Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Not a kid, not yet an adult..

"Remember to call grandpa when you have time, and let us know when you are free to come home for holiday."

"Ok, i will". Beep. The tone marks an end of the conversation between a son & his father, separated thousands of miles away.

It has been a while to be away from home.

Well, i have been pretty much a KL-boy now.

After 10 long years residing in this city, i have turn from a carefree student who terrorized the lecturers with my"self-create-formula-of-problem-solving",to a white blue collar who terrorized the boss with your "Moderately-high-entertainment-claims-and-expenses" .

I guess it is a norm in life. Almost each and everyone of us when we are still a student, we dreamed of employment by a big company earning big bucks.

But as soon as we started working, we tend to missed those time in colleges and universities.
The late night "yam-cha" session, skipping the lectures, flirting with those cutie-pies from your lecture class, and occasionally, moments of upmost stupidity of all times.

Fast forward to today, i was so busy attending my work schedule to a point where i almost come to forget about one thing - My life & my family.

My grandpa has suffered from cancer recently. It has been quite awhile since i last met the old man. I still remembered when the very last time he saw me he asked "Do you realize how long i did not get to see you, my grandson?". I tried to recall but found no answers. Then he reminded me. "Two years, two long years". Could it be that long? Maybe, yes.

I still remember the joyful smile on his and grandma's face when i handed them some pocket money before i left.

I know it is not about the money. It is the thought that matters. I knew they felt touched seeing their grandson has grown up finally as an adult. I guess that is the one and only dream that matters to them. Although secretly, i knew there is another one, which is seeing myself getting married to a woman i loved and start my own family.

Same goes to my parents. They have got used to the life without the eldest son by their side since i was 12 years old. Luckily enough, i still have a sister and two younger brother who stayed with them back at home. I can't imagine to leave them behind to their own loneliness.

To all of you, when is the last time you have sit down and have a nice chat with your family?

I guess, it is time to fly home again, and enjoy mummy's home cooked soup, and daddy's home made crabs again.

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