Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friends @ Sea

“Friends are not the one who stay with you forever. They left a footprint in your heart when they leave”.

For the whole 9 days in the middle of the ocean, i managed to cure my boredom and homesickness by having new friends on board. During off-time, we teased each other when someone have to extend their stay on board.

We shared the same room together, eat together, watch movies together and having endless banters with each other.

You get to listened to all kind of stories from these guys.

How a guy has his newly changed engine Honda Accord crashed by his sister, who apparently could not control the amount of horsepower generated by the new engine during Hari Raya.

A guy who get to know his fiancée cheated on him only after he proposed marriage to her.

Another guy who has this favourite collection of 300++ football club jerseys (To date) from all over the world and his target is 1000 jerseys! And it is all originals!

A guy who love to charm all the Malaysian Air Stewardess to bed from different airlines just by a simple line. “Can I have a bottle of mineral water please?”

(I don’t know how true it was, but I think “hey girl, I have lost my number. Can I have yours?” will be more effective)

At the end of the day, when I was about to leave, some of them just keep on telling me.

“Hey, balik sekali la dengan kitaorang. Tak syok la macam nie, you dah takde..”
Hey. It was touching.

But anyway guy, by any means, thank you for your guys hospitality when I am on board. I appreciate it really. Whether we will meet again anytime soon, I wish you guys only all the best in your life.

I have got to go. See you when I see you again!


  1. “Can I have a bottle of mineral water please?”

    this really can work ah??? sometimes guy just acting only =p
