Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Dragon Year

I know, i know...You guys missed me. (Perasan).

You know la, as the main host for the CNY, i have to rush for lots of things ma. Sorry lo!

Our family used to be travelling during CNY for some reason. Honestly speaking, the opinion of the venue for the new year celebration will always be a hot debate among family members. Every Single year.

Oversea? (Last year baru go...)

Local? (Sien liao)

Genting? (Jam wey..)

However, this time the decision is pretty much straightforward and simpler.

It is because we have never celebrate it in my new apartment in KL ever since i bought it back in 2009.

Why can't we all just do something like the champions league draw to decide?

"This year, the host.....goes to PUCHONG!!!!!"

Well, i guess new posts to follow soon after CNY, in the mean time, the Wong Family would like to wish all of you;

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! May the year of the Dragon brings lots and lots of luck especially to the readers!

Ci Vediamo!

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