Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another Injury...

It has been two months since i start engaging with guitar class.
But until today, friends still give me a shock reaction whenever i told them about it.

Why is it so funny?

It is as if a 30 yr old are not supposed to engage in a new hobby. Well i am talking about guitar,
not Angry Bird, ok?!

But i was quite surprise with myself as i am normally known as the "Three minutes man". (Not THAT THREE MINUTES). In chinese proverbs, also means a person who doesn't last long in a certain hobby, certain interest.

But this time, i will go ballistic when i can't play the chords right, or i think the teacher is going too fast, something like that. Friends told me i am impatient. But i guess, thats my second nature. I have always wanted to learn something fast.

So fast that i have injured myself. (In fact, it bleeded).

But i guess it is part and parcel of the learning process.

Anyone can tell me if i am entitled for socso claim for this injury?

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