Thursday, April 21, 2011

The ""

Another new projects under ETP (Economy Tranformation Programme), the "myemail".

These services will be available on the web portal that Tricubes is developing under the project. The portal's main feature is an email account, dubbed the MyEmail account, which will be offered to all Malaysians aged 18 and above for free.

Ok, this is what i gonna write when i received my first myemail account.

To :

Subject: "Rintihan hati seorang jejaka di Malaysia"

Dear My Gov,
First and foremost, i would like to congratulate you on making this "1 Malaysian 1 Email" a dream come true.
(As if i do not have already any other free gmail, hotmail, yahoo!mail, rocketmail account with me)

This has given us, the Malaysian the opportunity to voice our concerns and views through this dedicated inbox provided FREE by the government.
(If voices can't be heard, do you think what we write matters to you?).

It is indeed a brave move by the government to spend RM 50 Million to invest in the technology like that, and i do seriously salute! your move.
(50 Million? Why don't you spend it on repairing those leaking pipe on government office, or help the poor?Or just give us tax exemption for the whole year?)

And i want to share the joy of Tricube board of management for securing this mega project, it is because we knew your capability in the market of IT and technology.
(Did i just read in "The Star" that Tricube once has been classified as the GN3 company - Financially Distress category?)

And nevertheless, it is quite a relief, when you told us it will not involved any funds from the rakyat. It also did not require any funding or financial guarantees from the government.
(Are you bullsh*tting me?)

Yes, i also read that "The web portal will serve as a one-stop centre for government services, providing value-added services such as social networking, online bill checking and payment as well as web development toolkits for citizens and businesses organisations to creatively develop applications. Brilliant!

(Then what the F is myeg,

Last but not least, i am proud to be a Malaysian who hold the email account of myself (

Can i just create a unique identity for my email so that i will not clash with others?

Something like;


Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
Someone who love Malaysia

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