Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The i-ugly meter

Camwhoring. Hrm...when you are 19 yrs old, do you like to camwhore? I bet you do. Recently i downloaded an application for my iphone whereby you can camwhore and at the same time, rate your "ugliness". Being a confident guy, i took the test.
Tiu ni a seng.

Convinced that something might go wrong when i took my own pic, i tried another time.

Almost step on my iphone.

Thinking that there might be something wrong with the apps, i decided to do some test.

I grab a Jolin Tsai photo, and subsequently took the test. Guess what?

She scored the perfect ten out of ten...for ugliness rating.

The conclusion?

1. The apps is a goner.

2. And i am the handsome guy.

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