Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weekend Getaway for Myself..

Today is a weekened full of people.

Parked my car at Sunway Pyramid after my property training session, i immediately realized that it has been such a long long time since i have a weekend getaway from home.

The reason i have chosen Sunway as my weekend spot is due to the fact that it is a large shopping mall with almost everything in sight, and also very much nearer to my home too.

The difference this time is only that, i came alone.

Yes alone.

Actually i could be a person who would do everything, including watching movie alone whenever i have the chance to do so.

A weekend free of work stress, without constant phone rings, observing peeple around you, and most importantly, a quiet time for myself.

And it is only weekend when i have got the chance to do it.

Now i am quietly having my dinner at the "Wong Kok" restaurant, planning for the next activity.

Movie perhaps?

Get to go. Catch up with you guys next time.

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