Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dedicate to a special friend..

This may be a boring subject to some people. But i don't care. I still wanted to post this.

Decision-making has always being part and parcel of our life. And it create dilemmas.
Dilemma is not scary, but sometimes it is enough to create some unpleasant feeling within us as a human being with emotions.

Fearing of making the wrong choices at times.

For me there will never be a right or wrong choices. Only good and bad decisions. As long as once you have made it, don’t look back, and never ever try to feel regret of making the decisions in the first place you will be ok.

Take an example, especially in a relationship. I have had my fair share of dilemmas in making some of the decision almost one year ago.
There were times when you looked back and asked yourself. Did I make the wrong decision? Is there anything else I could do at that particular time to revive this relationship?

If I did not choose to let go that time, will we get married happily and have children by now?
Will she be the right one?

If me and her has never knew each other, would it be a different ending altogether?
Even Paul, the octopus would not dare to make the decision for me.
Because I believe Paul do have feelings too. He knows football, and he knows about love too. (At least I prefer to believe it)

But let’s look at thing from a different perspective. It is because sometimes it is the uncertainty that makes love and relationship so unpredictable, mysterious, yet at the same time, you are obsessed with it.
Like beer and liquor, you know it is bitter. You know you are going to have a major hangover the next day. You know you are going to vomit anyhow. But still, you gulped it down like a bottle of mineral water.

Most important is, at least for me is you should be happy at what you have now. Take a quote form the movie “21” – Yesterday will always remained as history, and tomorrow always a mystery.

If you don’t know (or rather do not want) to decide, let me tell you one thing for sure. Be it a good or bad decision, few years from now, you should be looking back at those memories with no regrets.
Just treat it as one of the chapter in your book of life.
That is the reason why people love movies with mixed emotions and happenings. And ended up with an unpredictable outcome.

Unlike Indian movies, you know the Hero will never die.

(This post is specially dedicated to one of my close friend who is quite in a dilemma now, F. I am not an expert in relationship, but at least You know you’ll never walk alone, and hopefully one day when you have recovered, you will realized that sometimes beautiful moments doesn’t meant to last forever. But certainly, it left footprints behind over the years. And by that time, hopefully you will read back on that chapter of your life with a big smile on your face. Regrets doesnt destroy you, but certainly takes away part of your precious moment in your life.)

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