Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I am not a big fan of romance movie actually.

Too bad, when i approached the "DVD lou" near my place hoping for new release, ended up with dissapointment.

Out of desperation, he offered some consolation by showing off his collection of "explicit" movies, which i am not interested. (I have tonnes of them by the way).

So, no choice la, ended up with this movie "Love you you"-夏日乐悠悠。A movie taken place in Redang island with Angelababy as the main actress.

And furk! To my surprise, at one point of the movie, it is so touching that i almost weeped!

Eherm, ok, i am man enough to know that it was just a movie, something which is not real. But the storyline i would say, given a rating 1-10, i am giving out a staggering 8.5!

I think this movie has yet to be shown in our cinema.

But the good news is, it is available throughout the Malaysia "Pirated CD" networking.

Anyhow, check out the movie theme song "Love you you" composed and sang by JJ Lin, the Singaporean singer. You know, when come to JJ, his love song never dissapoint. At least not me.

Highly recommended!

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