Tuesday, October 12, 2010


To date, i don't really 'label' myself as a blogger just yet. I am just a simple guy who love writing nonsense during his free time. And I love nonsense.

My english is broken, my photoshop sucks (or so the reader says), posses a really dry sense of humour, and did not posses a pair of ball as big enough as Raja Petra to scr*w the government from his blog.

I guess, the idea of being jailed over one stupid article about the government can be summarized in one word--- "plain stupidity."

I used to read some of the celebrity bloggers's blogs during my free time too.


whose pinky & colourful theme blog has always causing migrain to myself.

Kenny Sia...

who, i would say, once a really excellent blogger until when he got so busy with his fitness center and does not really have the time to spare anymore for his blog.

and of course, Dawn Yang...

the hottie from Singaporean, where i guess most of the male readers would prefer to see her "much revealing" party photos which "influence" their male-hormone and testicl*s rather than her articles.

(Argument: Pictures paint more than a thousand words anyway.)

So, in order to get famous/successful, only 2 things applied.

Either you are a very smart guy, or bet you a*** of that you are as hot as Dawn Yang.

If you have none of the above, try go ahead and screw the government.

Time for dinner, have to pack my things. Ya, i know, this article mean nothing.

Eh, did i mention that i am just a simple guy who love writing nonsense?

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