Monday, October 11, 2010

Good Job Opportunity - Doing something what you love...

Imagine this scenario:

You are in the office updating the facebook status/account and replying/liking some of the postings others. All of a sudden, your big boss came to your desk, looking into your computer screen and says: "Good job, keep it up. Remember to log out when you are done."

Now, in your mind you may ask "where on earth you can get this kind of good boss one??"

This is happening. CIMB is finding someone to maintain their facebook page!

I almost choked on my morning "wan tan mee" reading that on "The Sun" this morning.

Check it out at for more details.

Excellent job opportunity. Doing something what you love and earn money at the same time.

But i guess the down point is you can't flirt with other chicks through CIMB facebook isn't it?

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