Wednesday, November 21, 2012

(When i am too busy)

Now only irealized that i have not update my blog for the past two weeks...

Paiseh ar...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

When i travel, i love to take pictures.

Especially those funny and weird ones.

Like this.

Welcome to the Wildlife Currumbin Sanctuary.

Before we embarked on our journey to Australia, one of the most exciting prospect is to be able to meet up with Mr. and Mrs. Kangaroo.

After hours of researching on the internet, we decided to pay the currumbin wildlife a visit. I can't really recall the price though, but it is quite affordable, around AUD50 per adult if i can remember correctly.

Like i said, take a bus. We arrived at 10.30 in the morning, and the crowd was still manageable.

As the first timers, we were confused about where to start.

So we decided to follow the crowd and we ended up at a small "train station".

I was quite dissapointed at first, how on earth i could get near to the Mr. and Mrs Kangaroo if our movement were only limited on the train?

I have been dreaming about feeding them with my bare hands for the past one year and all i got is just a glimpse of the animal from a bloody train?

Apparently it was not.

In this place, a timetable was laid out to every visitor.

Time to feed the bird. Time to watch the snake show. All you need is just shut up, board the train and go with the flow.

Something funny caught my eyes when i boarded the train.



I felt like James Bond.

Just imagine that i saw a crocs, and i got excited, jump off the train, wrestle with the crocs, and come back on to the train unscatched.

Sounds cool though.

And you know it is special when Air Asia also occupy one of the advertistment board in the park.

I felt so much closer to home now.
Oh ya btw, thank for the cramp seat on for the 8 hours flight journey en route to Gold Coast.

The first stop.

Snake show.

Eh sorry.

Should be this one.

They talked about snakes, about their venoms, and heck, even let the visitors to pose with the snakes.

Although i scared like sh*t, i still managed to hold my nerves and took a photos with the snakes around my neck.

But thanks to my photographer for that day, the quality of the photo was just so....

The evidence to my man-hood-ness.

(Just because got pretty girl around, that's why i have no choice but to show that i got balls)

Then, the crocodile introductory show.

Too bad, the place was so crowded with people that i only managed to take the pictures of the presenter only.

But that's not important.

All of us have seen a crocodile before, at least once in real life. Malaysia also got ma...

But how many of you dare to say you have wrestled a crocodile before?

I bet none of you.

But i did. I really did.

I swear to god.

Nah, there you go.

But the climax of the whole visit was not the snake, not the crocodile, also not the pretty girl.

This is it.

Mission accomplished.

I felt like i could go back to Malaysia anytime by now.

I was warned before hand not to pat the kangaroos on their head. I don't know why. Maybe if i started to pat their head, they will start to kick my ass.

Anyone who have watched the Animal Planet show on Astro would know that Kangaroo has a pair of very powerful leg, that could kick your a** and send you into the moon.

So i better not try that.

The Koalas.

Since the photography session hugging a Koala would cost AUD 20++ per person, this is the best shot i could get.

Thanks to the 3.16 exchange rate. FML.

My second koala bear.

Everyone say hi to Renny:)

(Don't even ask, of course she is my girlfriend, tak kan my mum?).

Well, my job here is not to tell you each and every details of this visit.

Because i really believe that you should go and experience it yourself.

That's all for now for the Wildlife Currumbin Sanctuary.

From the man who have just wrestled the crocs. (I shouldn't be alive).


Friday, November 2, 2012

A day in Surfer's Paradise

When talking about Australia, people will start to think about Kangaroo.

Ah..and the "nude beaches". (I think most of my pals think about the latter one).

I remembered before i departed to Gold Coast, people used to asked me is there any particular place i would really love to visit?

I told them. "The great ocean road. I hope i can get a chance to visit there".

The next thing i know each and every one of them started to laugh as if there's no tommorrow.
So i decided to find out.

There you go. I almost shove my pretty face into the toilet bowl when i saw that. (1,792km).

No wonder they all laugh like monkey.

First time to Australia ma...niama...

People talked about Surfer's paradise, but i don't really surf. I can't consider myself as the pretty beach boy with tanned skin and well tone-body.

If i surf, it would look like this.

But i can't take the risk telling people i did not visit the surfer's paradise when i am in Gold Coast.

It is like telling people you go to KL but never being to KLCC.

Like going to sarawak but never try their "kolok mee".

Also like having a damn gorgeous naked lady in front of you, and you ended up helping her putting back on her clothes.

So i decided to pay this place a visit.

Cos i love bitches.

Sorry beaches.

As i have told in my earlier post, you can get to Surfer's Paradise by bus. Something interesting happened during one of my conversation to the bus driver.

Me: "Hey Mike! (Everyone's a "Mike" in Australia). Just let me know if we have reached the surfer's will yeah?"

The bus driver: "No worries mate, you will know it by yourself when we got there alrite?"

How true it was. When we reach, without looking at the signboard we already knew we were there. Surfers with their surfing gear on, ther hawaiian-style of shorts, bikini-cladded ladies were everywhere.

But i didn't see the beach!?

Oh ok, i need to walk further in. So here i am, welcome to the Surfer's Paradise!

Posing on the sand.

Posing in the seawater.

Then back on the land again.

For this particular place, you don't have to pay a single cent. But it is still a must go place in Gold Coast.

Never did i saw such a big wave in my life before and yet i felt so calm about it. Just by listening to the sounds of the wave really helped me relaxed during that evening.

That's what we called life isn't it?

But where are those surfers? Maybe i have came at the wrong timing of the year. The weather just too cold to even have a dip in the sea water. But where did all the surfers i saw just now?

Sod it.

One of my favourite picture.


There's nothing much you can do here, unless you like swimming, surfing, sunbathing and etc.

Since i do not want to be a shark's favourite dinner plate for that day, i decided to roam around the streets and guess what, we saw this.

Not sure if it is called the Eye on Gold Coast or stuff like that, but what i knew was i must get a ride on one of those. It is my first time anyway!

The price? A hefty AUD 11 per adult.

It sounds expensive to me because to be honest, the view from the ferris wheel is not as jaw dropping as i thought it would be.

All i can see is buildings, buildings and buildings again.

So, think twice before you pay.

I will update about other places (This time, you need to pay for it) that i have visited throughout my trip in Gold Coast, Australia.

Last but not least,

Let me show you the most "Australian" way of saying "See you again".

* The Itchy Itchy way..


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Flying and checking into Gold Coast.

After eight torturing and cramping hours on Air Asia X for 8 hours, we have reached the Gold Coast airport, the Coolongata. I could feel that i suffered from some kind of jet leg even if it is only two hours of time zone difference.

First lesson of the day: Never let the sunshine fooled you.

The moment i stepped out from the plane i almost freezed my balls off. Thanks to a friend of mine who told me at this months of the year, Australia's weather will be very warm. Of course it never crossed my mind to bring along some winter clothing just in case. How stupid i was.

Before the trip my dad did advised me that i should "declare everything down to your underwear" before entering the country.

But my main concern was my laptop.

I was worried if they went through my laptop and found some nasty stuff (i didn't say it is porn ok) then i could be kissing the kangaroo ass goodbye in the prison.

Foods need to be declared. Currency need to be declared (if more than 10,000). Basically everything. Once i was told by a friend who used to travel to Australia that he was fined a total AUD 250 over a piece of chocolate.

As ridiculous as it may sounds, it was enough to ring some alarm bells for me to be extra cautious. But nothing could prepare us for the immigration questioning.

We were held by an immigration officer (ironically, he is a black) and were asked all sort of questions such as why were we there, what work we do, how many cash we had and heck even how many credit cards i possesed.

We managed to walked away unscatched only after we shown him our theme park entrance ticket. (This may be a good tips for you guys).

So the next time if the immigration conduct an interview with you, you may show them the ticket and tell them to "F*** off". They will let you free.

(The writer would bear no responsibility on the consequence that may arise).

Anyway. Whenever you travelled the first thing that came to your mind will be the mode of transportation.

In Gold Coast, take the bus. Cheap and convenient.

Their bus network is just so convenient and you have no worried of missing them, as every fifteen minute, you will have a bus whereby it will take you to any destination that you wanted to.

(So long that you knew how to read the map and understand English).

We took the initiative to book a "return ticket" between the place we stayed and airport, so we would not have to worried about the transport later on. It costed around AUD 39 per head. Sounds like a decent amount, but cheaper if you compared with the taxi fare anyway.

The booking of the bus for return to the airport will required a 24hrs advanced calling to their call center. And heck, they are so efficient that if you tell them the wrong flight number or flight time, they will inform you right away as they have all the plane schedule coming in and out from the airport.

I would advice that during your holiday you may want to get hold of this card with you too.

The equivalent of touch and go card in Malaysia. Every bus in Gold Coast uses it, and all you need to pay is an AUD 5 as a deposit (Refundable) + Desired amount. For a 7 days trip, just for reference, you may top up around AUD 30 that should be more than enough.

No worries about if you still have balance during the end of your holiday. Just grab the card to the nearest convenient store and beat the crap our of the cashier for a refund.

(Ok i was just joking).

For this trip we have decided to leave the backpacker's inn out from our option. Call me a mummy's boy but i would prefer to stay in a nice and comfortable place during holiday, not some backpacker's inn whereby i need to share toilets with strangers.

Let me introduce you this place.

The Sierra Grand Apartment.

The Interior.

The Balcony.

And the handsome boy.

In Gold Coast, accomodation can really kill you especially for hotels. Probably a couple of hundred Aussie Dollar per night.

Visit You may book this apartment online with the so called agent and there you go.

Welcome to the mansion that cost you only AUD 95 per night.

(When i say only AUD 95, i didn't mean Aussie dollar is made of toilet roll. It is just because i believe that it is a real bargain).

Do not worry if the reception does not recognize your booking number or your name. Because under this, we dealed DIRECTLY with the agent. They will bring you the keys and upon checking out, just leave the door key on the dining table and off you go. As simple as that.

Well, you have landed, checked in to the hotel, all you need to do is take a rest first.

I will go into more details on the trip on where we went and what is the famous tourist attraction that you wouldn't want to miss.

So stay tuned.


Friday, October 19, 2012

I am back

Well, just arrived back in Malaysia yesterday.

Generally, the trip to Gold Coast Australia this time is an eye-opening and interesting one!

So please be patient and rest assured i will share with you guys on the tips and stories for the 7 days get-away.

Take my word, it is really interesting.

Like how a kangaroo scratched his balls in front of us..:P

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finally, a trip...

It has been quite a while since i last travelled. (For Leisure).
Finally i am getting my chance this October.
You see, i used to trvael around the Asean country only. To date, i have yet to travel out of this region. The reason is because, obviously, it is cheap. And i don't to have bring along my scientific calculator and punching it like a mad man on the street of Phuket.
But this time, it is almost inevitable that i would need to bring along my calculator for this coming trip.
We (with my eherm..GF) will be going to Gold Coast Australia and visit a friend of us.


Passport checked.

Leave approved.

Visa, checked. (Only yesterday i got to know that we actually need a Visa to enter the motherland of the kangaroos).

Outstanding work? Come back only think la..

I have a friend who used to travel to all those European countries and also wicked places like India.
She used to bragged about her journey and how she managed to travel with very little budget.
(Duit banyak tapi kedekut type of person).

At least this time i got to say "Well, at least i have been to Australia, and you have not".

Take that!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My little brother is more popular than me

Almost everyone has a facebook account.

My siblings, and even my parents!!

I have a brother who now studied in Kampar, Perak. (Mana lagi, UTAR la, cina semua suka UTAR).

I used to tell my mum that i am kinda worried about him, as unlike me, he never left home to study abroad before.

You learnt about all sort of things happen. Students commit suicide because of broken relationships, friend's betrayal and so on and so on.

Being a quite guy, i don't really know how well he would cope with it.

But i was damn wrong.

One single phot and received 46 "Likes"

Then when i posted something which is super-meaningful...

I got 3.

Including my brother.

Ma de, this shows that my little bro is more popular than me.

I can shove my head into the toilet bowl now.

Are you from Sains Miri?

"Are you from Sains Miri?"


I was playing badminton with my colleague one day when this one guy suddenly popped out this question.

It is normal that i used to bumped into a lot of ex-uniten friends and we still could recognize each other, but secondary school, thats weird.

It is weird because in my boarding school, unlike public school when you walk out from your compound, you go back home.

But in boarding school, you literally FLEW back home, as our school used to have many students who came from different different part of the state. (Did i mentioned before that i am from Sarawak?)

Which also means upon graduation, it is damn dog-shit-lucky to bump into each other again, especially after 10 long years.

I would have thought that when my pimples has gone, hair became smarter, i would look different compared to when i am in secondary school.

But when my sec school friends saw me (i mean on facebook), their comments will be like:

"Wow you never changed at all!!"

Ma de. I became more handsome ok.

Back to this guy, at first i doubt that he is a Sains-rian too. But when he started to mentioned about the life in the boarding school, i just came to think that if he is lying, he would have the whole encyclopedia about Sains Miri read over and over again.

We started to chat about those days and we all came to one conclusion.

Why did we join a boarding school in a first place? It is not cool. I became more like a Malay than a chinese. I talked like one, behaved like one. Heck i even can answer almost 80% of the Pendidikan Islam subject question!

Even my coconut shell-hairstyle looked like one as my mum used to tell me.

Then the best part is, he asked me when i left, i told him i studied for full 5 years there.

His reaction was like *showing a f**K sign and laughing like a mad man who think he just met another mad man on the street.

"I left after 3 years!! I went to public school and my godness, it is like f**king heavan man!! What makes you stay there for so long!!"

That triggered me, ya hor, why would i chose to stay on when i have the chance to leave it all behind after 3 years?

One conclusion, i love that life. I missed the life of breaking people's locker, showering with a pants on, (because, eherm, too big)  lining up for the water kettle, and also the "ikan besi" from the food hall.

Oh ya, and the coconut shell hairstyle.

Grade one on the side, and leave the rest grow.


It is a...

Anyone of you who can figure out what is this thing?

I bet most of you can't. Not even for the people with the IQ of 180.

This is one of the most important piece of shit in my life!

Clue: Whenever i sleep, i will have to put this thing on.

Yes it is an eye mask.

Well different people has different kind of character. Some people love to sleep in bright condition, and some people, like me, enjoy the total darkness.

Whenever i travel i would bring along this mask. Just little amount of light would have just ruin my sleep whole night long.

But then again, the weird thing is that if i were to sleep in a hotel, i could sleep with all the lights and tv on! I don't know why. It is just my nature.

My friends used to tell me it looks like a tampon.

But a black tampon? I don't think you can find it anywhere.

Just hope my mum will not mistaken it as tampon when she drop by my house one day, although the instruction manual noted that it is washable.

God Bless.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Penguin Distress

Nowadays the world has became a less safer place.

Whenever we read through the papers we will see all sort of news on someone got kidnapped, murdered, rapped and so on.

The apps of "My Distress" came just at the right time. Almost everyone nowadays have their hands on some kind of smartphone. For those without one, it is just about time to get rid of you old Nokia 3310.

At least you have the excuse and tell people that it is for your own safety. (Although in my opinion, people with smartphones normally get targetted more often).

The apps of the "My Distress" can be downloaded for FREE via the Apple store. (Check out on the bottom right hand corner)

Well, it has a series of steps to follow through and of cos i would not go into detailed discussion over here.

As simple as it is, you just need to press a "panic button" whenever you feel you are under life-threatening condition.

(Note: Do not play around with this apps. People say it is a life saving line. But be careful when you apply the "panic button". It is ok when u alert the authority when you are under attack. Just make sure you did not press the button or mistaken it for a woman's tits especially when you are under the influence of alcohol).

Unless you think sitting in jail is fine for you.

The Apps have this feature where you will need to capture your face for easy recognition.

It is easy right?

So i decided to put in my photo.

Don't know this plan will ever get backfire and got me sent to the jail instead.

(Do not try this at home).

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thank You for..

I just found out that i have not updated this blog for almost 1 month.

One of my readers recently told me.."Eh update your blog la, boring sial.."-Ok, it must be that my blog did have some sort of influence on someone.

Something like if my blog was not updated, my reader will get constipation for the next one month.

There are many factors that led a blogger not updating his blog regularly, works, no-time, laziness, and etc etc.

For me, simply just because i was too busy nursing my injury - my heart.

I am officially single now.

Almost three years, and now she's gone.

Let me share with you a few type of reactions that i have received from people when they knew i have ended my relationship with my almost 3 yrs girlfriend.

The normal reaction:

"Why? What happened to both of you?"
"Well, if you need to talk, just give me a buzz"
"Don't worry, things will be fine. Things happened and all you need is time"

The "not so normal reaction":

"Hey bro? Serious ar??? You joking right, or isit some kind of prank?"
"Shoud i say congratulations or should i say sorry to hear that?"
"So now you get to screw around liao right?"
One close friend even give a straight reply "CONGRATS!"

After that, even better. A F**King "LIKE" on a relationship status change on the FB.

I mean, c'mon, it is like when let say you have a relative or close family members who had just passed away, you go and "Like" your friends status.

Something like: "Today so and so loved one in my family have passed away, still can't believe that he/she has gone"

And bloody hell, YOU GUYS GO AND "LIKE" the status??

Anyway, being single (at least in my definition) is after all not so bad. I mean, IT IS bad, but still managed to handle it quite well for the time being, when you involve your brain, not emotion in the process of going throught the break up moment.

She used to be "The One" that i thought that will end up being my very last one.

Frankly speaking, of all the relationship i have gone through before, this is the first time that i know the meaning behind when you have someone who loves you because of who you are.

But now, she is no longer around anymore.

To listen to my craps and nonsense from my every single day.

To try to persuade me quit my smoking habit.

To cook me a nice meal before and after my football games.

To tidy up my closet when "she think" it is messy. (When i didnt think it IS NOT messy).

To run to the grocery shops when the shampoo or toilet roll finishes.

Yes. Such a perfect and wonderful girl and now thanks to my own stupidity, she has gone. For good.

Sometimes when you love someone, it also means that you have to learn how to let go. I am not good when it comes to express my feeling in words all this while.

But how big is the chances you will find a girl who:

Never complain when her birthday present come late for the past two years.

Quietly stay at home waiting for you back from his night out session with his friends.

Who will cooked you a porridge early on sunday morning, just to make sure that your stomach arent empty before your football games.

Who laugh at your jokes, even if we know that it is not even funny.

Who looked at you in the eyes and say "Everything will be ok" when you feel you are so screwed up.

Who chose to forgive and forget, even when she got betrayed.

R, if you happened to read this, all i wanted to say is.

Thanks for loving me.

Hope our path will cross again someday soon. I will be fine, do not worry about me. Life is just as usual, apart from the fact that i need to settle my dinner on my own most of the time now.:) And no one listening to my cold jokes anymore.

Give me a call whenever you need to get someone to talk ok?

See you soon.



Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Judging from the number of people looking into my blog, i bet many of you looked like this....

"Why this fella never update his blog one?"

Sorry guys for being out for so long. It has been a real busy month so far.

So today i am going to talk about something interesting, something that won't bored you to death.

I have a great mum who always worried that his son eat "dapao food: every single day. On one fine day, out of the blue she called and told me that she bought this for me.

Eh sorry, wrong picture.

Supposed to be this.

They called it as "True Mix".

To make it simpler, my mum explained to me.

"You wan to cook what also it can cook for you!!"

So obviously my face turned into this..(while replying "sure boh...")

It looks more like a blender machine to me.

Of course, come with this little wizard is the manual itself. In the manual, pictures explained everything on what it can do, and what kind of ingredient that you need in order to "cook something with it".

The menu, on the vegetables...

To bake a cake on your boyfriend/girlfriend birthday...

To do a pizza when pizza hut close shop...

To squeeze some juice when you are thirsty...

And heck, it can even do a "Baskin Robbin".

Call me a liar, but this little machine can really do it.

Come at a price of not less than 5k, the price tag really tell you that this is something great especially for a lazy person like me.

But who cares?

It is my birthday present. Nah!!