Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Penguin Distress

Nowadays the world has became a less safer place.

Whenever we read through the papers we will see all sort of news on someone got kidnapped, murdered, rapped and so on.

The apps of "My Distress" came just at the right time. Almost everyone nowadays have their hands on some kind of smartphone. For those without one, it is just about time to get rid of you old Nokia 3310.

At least you have the excuse and tell people that it is for your own safety. (Although in my opinion, people with smartphones normally get targetted more often).

The apps of the "My Distress" can be downloaded for FREE via the Apple store. (Check out on the bottom right hand corner)

Well, it has a series of steps to follow through and of cos i would not go into detailed discussion over here.

As simple as it is, you just need to press a "panic button" whenever you feel you are under life-threatening condition.

(Note: Do not play around with this apps. People say it is a life saving line. But be careful when you apply the "panic button". It is ok when u alert the authority when you are under attack. Just make sure you did not press the button or mistaken it for a woman's tits especially when you are under the influence of alcohol).

Unless you think sitting in jail is fine for you.

The Apps have this feature where you will need to capture your face for easy recognition.

It is easy right?

So i decided to put in my photo.

Don't know this plan will ever get backfire and got me sent to the jail instead.

(Do not try this at home).

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