Friday, November 2, 2012

A day in Surfer's Paradise

When talking about Australia, people will start to think about Kangaroo.

Ah..and the "nude beaches". (I think most of my pals think about the latter one).

I remembered before i departed to Gold Coast, people used to asked me is there any particular place i would really love to visit?

I told them. "The great ocean road. I hope i can get a chance to visit there".

The next thing i know each and every one of them started to laugh as if there's no tommorrow.
So i decided to find out.

There you go. I almost shove my pretty face into the toilet bowl when i saw that. (1,792km).

No wonder they all laugh like monkey.

First time to Australia ma...niama...

People talked about Surfer's paradise, but i don't really surf. I can't consider myself as the pretty beach boy with tanned skin and well tone-body.

If i surf, it would look like this.

But i can't take the risk telling people i did not visit the surfer's paradise when i am in Gold Coast.

It is like telling people you go to KL but never being to KLCC.

Like going to sarawak but never try their "kolok mee".

Also like having a damn gorgeous naked lady in front of you, and you ended up helping her putting back on her clothes.

So i decided to pay this place a visit.

Cos i love bitches.

Sorry beaches.

As i have told in my earlier post, you can get to Surfer's Paradise by bus. Something interesting happened during one of my conversation to the bus driver.

Me: "Hey Mike! (Everyone's a "Mike" in Australia). Just let me know if we have reached the surfer's will yeah?"

The bus driver: "No worries mate, you will know it by yourself when we got there alrite?"

How true it was. When we reach, without looking at the signboard we already knew we were there. Surfers with their surfing gear on, ther hawaiian-style of shorts, bikini-cladded ladies were everywhere.

But i didn't see the beach!?

Oh ok, i need to walk further in. So here i am, welcome to the Surfer's Paradise!

Posing on the sand.

Posing in the seawater.

Then back on the land again.

For this particular place, you don't have to pay a single cent. But it is still a must go place in Gold Coast.

Never did i saw such a big wave in my life before and yet i felt so calm about it. Just by listening to the sounds of the wave really helped me relaxed during that evening.

That's what we called life isn't it?

But where are those surfers? Maybe i have came at the wrong timing of the year. The weather just too cold to even have a dip in the sea water. But where did all the surfers i saw just now?

Sod it.

One of my favourite picture.


There's nothing much you can do here, unless you like swimming, surfing, sunbathing and etc.

Since i do not want to be a shark's favourite dinner plate for that day, i decided to roam around the streets and guess what, we saw this.

Not sure if it is called the Eye on Gold Coast or stuff like that, but what i knew was i must get a ride on one of those. It is my first time anyway!

The price? A hefty AUD 11 per adult.

It sounds expensive to me because to be honest, the view from the ferris wheel is not as jaw dropping as i thought it would be.

All i can see is buildings, buildings and buildings again.

So, think twice before you pay.

I will update about other places (This time, you need to pay for it) that i have visited throughout my trip in Gold Coast, Australia.

Last but not least,

Let me show you the most "Australian" way of saying "See you again".

* The Itchy Itchy way..


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