Thursday, July 28, 2011

Short Term Memory Loss

I can be quite "blur" at times.

I have undergone an operation when i was 9. The after effect of too much medication and paracetamols, i still remembered vividly the doctor told my parents.

"Your kid gonna suffer some kind of long term effect, such as, short term memories".


The issue did not bother me eventually when i scored straight As' for my UPSR and PMR. Not to mentioned the flying colours award received for passing my SPM.

Well, thinking back, that doctor might be trying to play a fool on me.

But during last year, an incident strucked wherby i started to believe if i have really do suffer from the "short term" memory loss.

Me: "Bang, check in, to Singapore, flight 830am",
Air Asia (AA) Staff :" Bang, you demam ker?"
Me: Ha..kenapa pula? Sihat saje...
Air Asia (AA) staff: Nie ticket semalam la~!!!!


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