Thursday, July 7, 2011

10 Money Saving tips...

It is when i grew my first mouthstache, i felt a bit reluctant to accompany my mum for shopping.

It is because everytime i went out with her, i will looked like a poor, clueless and confused little kid whenever she started to shout for bargain on everything she bought.

I guess i have had enough when she started to ask for "discount" in a superstore like "Ngiu Kee".

- An equivalent to Parkson in KL, quite a big shopping mall in m hometown, Sarawak.

(Mum: What?? A pair of jean cost 70 ringgit? I can buy in Pasar malam for 3!!! Less a bit-lah!)

Well, honestly it is kinda embarrasing. LOL.

But everything have since changed ever since i started to earn my own bucks.

I used to blew off my monthly salary on the things i like, shirts, watches, gadgets, everything.

But as i grew older, i knew i have to start to save some money for my retirement. It also means try to differentiate between a "need", and a "must".

Even toiletery papers need money nowadays.

Here are a few tips i have followed in order to achieve my retirement savings plan. (I guess it is still not too late to start :)

No no, of course it does not involve using the same piece of toilet paper twice.

1. Cut out on weekend booze. A pint of Hoegaarden cost RM39 these days. With this money, i could have bought a big packet of rice.

It also means on a weekend, i could have save the money for my next 3 months supply of rice.

2. Try to save my electricity bills. Have yet to find a solution to my average RM100++ electricity bill a month (Staying alone!!!). But i guess i will start to off every possible damn electricy apparatus whenever i am not using it. (Rule of thumb: Only on the lights when i need to read.)

3. Try not to consume too much my favourite "mixed rice" from that stupid uncle who charged RM10 for plate of mixed rice in Puteri Mart, Puchong.

4. "Fight" to the death to recover my taxes to the government. (This year, surprisingly, i got back 100% of my declared tax rebate figure).

5. Utilize all the benefits to the limit given by my company. Didn't leave any stone unturn. They are going to forfeit it on next calender year anyway.

6. Claim every single receipt from my outstation claim. (I used to ignore the RM1.60 toll receipt as i thought it is troublesome). But to me, Rm1, still is money. Why not?)

7. Use my underwear until it really torn to the max, only change! (Joking..LOL)

8. Try to cut down on softdrinks and lead a more healthy lifestyle. Coke and sprite does not do you any good, plus, it cost 10 times as much compared to a plain water.

9. Try not to make too much uneccesary phone calls, utilize viber, whatsapp, messenger whenever i could.

10. Try to opt for duty free whenever i can. (You know what i mean).

Guess what, i will never know if the 10 steps as abovementioned could help me turn into a millionaire by the time i am 56.

But it is still a good start isn't it?

Eh, laptop also consume electricity ler....


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