Monday, July 4, 2011

Panda ooo Panda...

You know, it is always a compliment when people say you are cute.

But i guess, being labelled cute because of my "panda look" aka eyebags doesn't really help.

I have been trying out so many traditional method encouraged by my friends, tea bag, cold spoon, you named it, i have tried it.

But nothing seems to work.

As a matter of fact, it is getting darker than ever.

There was this one time when i met up with a hometown friend in KL. You know, girls love to shop in Sasa.

So, out of curiousity, i asked one of the girl there hoping that she can offer me some kind of "magic cure" to my eyebags problem.

As a good saleswoman she is, she intorduce me to a few product.

I was about to buy her idea, when she showed me a small "kind-of-looked-like-a-small-toothpaste" kind of cream, the price was RM180?!!!

No wonder people used to say.

"You want to make money? Do some business that related to women"

*&*^%^& (While my face looking exactly like the panda above)

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