Monday, July 25, 2011


"I am going to Europe this end of July"

"Wow! Should have bring me along!"

The above conversation has took place 2 weeks ago, between me and my mum.
Well, i have had enough of travelling within the SEA. Even worst, it seems like i am destined to travel frequently only to check out the lion head in Singapore. Not to mentioned that, most of the time it is due to works or meeting.

I have not been to Europe before. But apart from the fact that i knew Eiffel Tower is located in France, and Italian love spaghetti, i also knew that without proper research in advanced, i could end up as broke as the homeless guy in Jalan Alor.

This reminded me of a friend who used to travel around the globe with her so called "Rules of thumb" (Yeah right, My foot!!!)

"If i can survive by sleeping on the street, i would".

"I don't mind eating bread everyday during the tour, need to save some money for sightseeing"

I think Tony Fernandes can employ her to encourage cost saving for Air Asia, saving a few dollars here and there, before changing their line to...

"Now, everyone can MAKAN ROTI and SLEEP ON THE DAMN STREET before you fly!"

When i saw my mommy's message came in through the facebook telling me she is in Rome, i think i don't mind to sleep on the street with a Gardenia roti in front of me next time when i travel though!

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