Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am sick...

Got sick today...

Sore throat. Flu. Coughing.

Hope it is not H1N1.

Funy thing is the look on the doctor's face today when i told her this:

"Doc, just give me the medical cert, no medicine is required because i have tonnes of them"

The doc gave me a weird look, gave me a medical slip that sounded like this

" This is to certify that i have examined Mr. Wong Hung Yew of Sime Darby Industrial and have found him to be UNFIT for performance of his duties for 1 day from 13 Jan 2010 to 13 Jan 2010"


Oh ya, i also missed the training tonight for the upcoming Sime Darby inter division futsal tournament which i have been selected to play for the industrial division. Sigh. Nevermind la.

But i think i have no right to complain right?Hehe.

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