Saturday, May 3, 2014

Party, Shop and Walk @ Shanghai

During my stay in Shanghai, I vowed not to miss the party scene. No matter how tired I was, I am not going to miss it.

As for introduction, in Shanghai there were two "main" area for night life.
"Xin Tian Di" (新天地) - As what we would called the Bukit Bintang area in KL (Which is newer) and another one at "Hengshan Road" (衡山路), is a street in the former French Concession of Shanghai.
We decided to go "French" that night, to a club called "Phebe" in HengShan Road.
Well, I have been to nightclubs once in a while, apart from the fact that your missus are not around to keep an eye on you, everything else is almost pretty SOP.
The girls in the pub will company you with a certain fee (RMB600 for the whole night). Some of them I heard even provided the escort service too.
I ended up that night on a high note - puking onto a tree, outside the club.
At least in Malaysia, I would hold it up until I reach home or the toilets.
Not in Shanghai. Not with the Chinese people.
Woken up from the hangover after party last night, I saw this.
She prepared to leave.

I bet the first thing that goes to your mind is "You lucky bast**rd"

When I first send this photo to my friends on the messenger group, this is what I got.

1. "How much?"
2. "You are the Hero."
3. "I Like!! Nice figure man!"
4. "You sure it is not a guy?"

Well, welcome to the "Trick Art museum".

This place is not far from The Bund. (外滩, Wai-Tan).

To get to this place, you may take the LRT and stopped by the station of "Nan Jing East Road" (南京東路站). From there on, it is not that difficult to find it as it is one of the most popular place to visit in Shanghai.

You can view the iconic Oriental Pearl TV tower across the river.

And also cover some visit to the tunnel of The bund. Where they will take you across the river channel to the other side.  Right below the tv station.

Unlike my trip to Hong Kong, this time I have no photographer with me as I am all alone.

Back to the Trick Art museum.

Lets sing "I want to be a freaking bad...".

Cough*, my girlfriend.
That explained everything. Imagined my wife face when I texted her this photo right after my night out partying.
For a moment she thought I was sending the photo to my friends but ended up in her hand.
I have to literally show her all the pictures in the trick art museum to convince her it is a fake photo!
Sometimes, little pranks does work for relationship.
As I walked along the museum, all of a sudden, someone greeted me.

Of all the people.

Of all the places.


He just popped up from the floor and say "hi" to me.

I bet the best response would be just stand over his head and start dancing away.

After the trick art museum, next door would be the "Ripley's believe it or not" exhibition.

With all the things that we do not even know if it is true.

Woman with the largest breast in the world.
That is why I will never be impressed by breast size of a woman, so stop wearing "push -ups" and giving us all the false hopes.

Man with the largest mouth in the world.

To fit in a can of Coca-Cola.

Fattest woman in the world.

For some reason, I felt so glad that I am married to my wife now.

Well, it is good to know that sometimes, an insult can be turned into achievement.

And you can be proud of your weaknesses/shortcomings at times too.

The optical illusion section.

The floating water tap and globe.

My advice is, if you have a whole day to spent, you may want to come to this area.

A good area to spend a day with your kids/parents/friends, and after all the visit, you may want to do some shopping.

And yes, here is the heaven for shopaholics.

In this area, beware of the pick pockets.
And not to forget that there are a lot of "pimps" around this area who would approached you and recommend their "girls" for a sex services.
That pretty much sums up my whole journey to Shanghai.
In fact, if not due to the time limitation, i would have visited more places and posted more photos to share with all of you.
Maybe during my next trip, which could be in the month of May, to visit her again.

Wipe your saliva off, c'mon.


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