Monday, July 15, 2013


The best part about blogging is, we could ALMOST (Noted: Almost) write everything and anything that we would love to.

I can still recall the days when I literally screwed KWSP upside down in my blog to the stage whereby I received an email from on of the CEO. (Not a bad response for an "unknown" bloggers like me).

When I told my mum about this, the only thing she says was "You could ended up in jail if you continue to write those kind of stupid remark on the internet".

But I reckon that my blog was "still OK'' if compared to some of those bloggers who literally got into trouble when they start writing something like "I want to bomb the prime minister" sort of comments on Facebook and got him into trouble.


Simple as that.

As for my blog, the intention is very clear. I am a guy who loves to laugh a lot. Although my grammar can be sucks at time, but I really do hope my readers would enjoy every single thing that I have posted on my blog.

Be it Leisure.

Be it travel.

But sometimes I can be as bold as trying to do something which requires "bravery out of the box".

Like toying with our prime minister photo?

Or maybe this?

It requires a lot really heavy pair of balls to be able to post this into my blog.
But nothing's going to beat this.

The bravest thing I have done so far in my life...settling down as a husband for my woman.

(Sorry it is a bit unclear).

Well, this is my registration of marriage application form which has been duly approved to be conducted on 21-Dec-2013. (Provided there were no any objection from any parties within 21 days from the date of application)

And yes, it is on my birthday!

You can laugh on my "bravery", but I don't care.

I felt like a hero anyway.


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