Thursday, June 27, 2013


Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong.

The Avenue of Stars is a HK$40 million project financed by the New World Group. The project is supported by Tourism Commission, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Hong Kong Film Awards Association Limited.

This is also the place where the "symphony of lights", where the colored lights, laser beams and searchlights perform in an unforgettable all-round spectacle synchronized to music and narration that celebrates the energy, spirit and diversity of Hong Kong. There are five main themes: Awakening, Energy, Heritage, Partnership, and the finale, Celebration.

But honestly it is a real disappointment. Why?

1. The "symphony of light" show is not as interesting as what I am expecting.
2. The place were so crowded that I can't even check out those celebrity handprints on the floor.

So we proceed to have a drink at a place called "Eyebar" at the I-square.

This is the best place for chilling out with your friends and love one, located at one of the highest point of the I-square building, the bar overlooks the entire Hong Kong night view.

The night view was just, spectacular.

How can you miss out on a view like this with one hand on the beer, and pretty lady on another?

Now come the best part where all the ladies will go ga-ga.


Welcome to The Citygates Outlet.

Basically this is the place where you can find all those outlets for branded stuff.

But honestly speaking, after 3 hours of shopping, I only managed to grab 4 t-shirts from the Giordano's for HKD 180.

Not sure if it is my age catching up or rather their design isn't really that tempting.

Based on my experience with Esprit's outlet from Australia and Hong Kong, the design (I re-emphasize) is really ugly and out of date.

No wonder so cheap.

To get there, you have to take a MTR and stop at "Tung Chung"(Lantau).

Not a bad place for shopping though (If only your pockets are real deep). You can find almost every luxury brand like Coach, Armani, CK, etc. here.

As for guys, you may consider to go Macau from Hong Kong.

(You may leave your wife/gf at the outlet, they will be safe there don't worry).

In Hong Kong, The Turbojet company provided the speed boat services to and from Macau every single day.

One way ticket cost approximately at HKD 180 per person.

Why Macau?

Gamble la...

I am not really a big fan of gambling actually.

Don't get me wrong. I love gambling. But not to a stage that I would end up with underwear en route back to Hong Kong.

Well, even gambling in The Venetian Macau only means nothing more than an experience to me.

I won HKD 150 on this trip by playing Blackjack and I guess that should be enough.

So I use that to get a personalized magazine photo from the Manchester United shop within The Venetian. (HKD 80 per piece)

If you are a Liverpool fan, sorry. We can still be friends even though we knocked you guys out to be the most successful English club in the history of BPL.:P

If you are in The Venetian, remember to pay this place a visit.

The Lord Stow's Bakery and Cafe.

They have the best Portuguese egg tart I ever taste before in my life.

Now I felt like the Malaysian's tart tasted like "roti kosong".

If people asked me next time if I ever wanted to come back to Macau again, I would love to tell them that, yes, for the sake of the tarts, yes I will.

And when you come to Macau, almost 99% of the people will take this photo.

Including myself.

I wonder why did people would spend some much time and energy just to take photo with a piece of this wall.

They called this "The Ruins of St. Paul".

I called this "A Waste of My time".

But as the matter of fact, if you do not visit this place while in you are in Macau is as if you never visit KLCC when you come to KL.

With that, it pretty much sum up for the two days in Hong Kong and Macau.

Did I left out anything?

Oh my Holy Cow! I left my girlfriend at the outlet!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Madam Tussauds Wax Gallery

 "随时随地注意形象, 要控制饮食不然就跟杜莎夫人蜡像的我不像"
- Jay Chou, Lyrics from one of his hits- "Superman Can't fly"

For those of you who were probably scratching your head now, let me translate for you.

杜莎夫人蜡像 (Madam Tussauds Wax Gallery)

Madame Tussauds Hong Kong is located at one of Asia's most famous tourist attractions: The Peak.
This is the place where you get to meet peoples that you don't really see them in person every day.

And this is the place I had categorized as a "must visit" when I am in Hong Kong.

Well, I have been a Jay Chou's No.1 fan ever since his first album "Fantasy". So it was really great that I received a call from him asked me to visit him in Hong Kong when I arrived.

I am still wondering for the fact that i don't understand a single thing he sing most of the time, he is still my idol until today.

Maybe our hairstyle quite similar.

We took a picture together, before I say goodbye and proceed to meet another good friend of mine.

When I saw Ah-Ming, he was too busy playing with his basketball and didn't even noticed that I was standing in front of him. (Probably because of the height issue).

I squeezed his balls and moved on.

Then what a surprise.

I thought this guy supposed to be in Beijing one?

The first thing he told me was, "I was too busy with fashion show and Victoria to a stage whereby I couldn't even remember how to tie my boot laces now.

Don't worry David. I got you covered. It is my pleasure.

To be honest, every single time when I heard winter sonata songs playing on air, I would dreamt of slapping this guy and threw him out from my eight-floor apartment.

Don't ask me why.

One of my birthday wish when I was 12 was to be able to pull a hair out of Saddam Hussein's face for those sins he has done to the Iraqi people.

My dreams came true.

Mr. Hitler thought it was funny and insisted that I do the same thing to him too.

But then he told me that it is not funny.

This is my idol.

I am so happy to meet him and was about to consult him further on his theory of relativity.

But then with a super lan-si face he asked me if I can still recall what E=MC2 means. I said no.

He told me to "F**k off".

But the climax was always to meet the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

He told me he was upset with the current political scene in Malaysia. I couldn't agree more.

"So what can we do? We have killed a Mongolian for a submarine, sent a cow to stay in a condominium, playing hide and seek with ballot boxes during election, what else can we do?" I asked him.

"I have only one advice for you". He said.


I chuckled, and waved goodbye to him.

Then I heard someone called me "Over here mate!" I looked around and saw Mr. George Bush.

Bush: "You know, don't listen to all his bullsh*ts. He is my junior, still very green."

Me: "So what's your suggestion?"

Bush: "We will send you one whole troop of US Army, invading your country, kill all those people in the Parliament, problem solved".

"But in return, we want the Oil from you".

OK. Not the same shit again.

I hope he won't bump into Saddam after this. That's going to be ugly.

Madame Tussauds Hong Kong opens from 10am to 10pm daily (last admission: 9:45pm). Admission ticket is priced at approx. HKD 190 per adult/HKD 120 per children & senior citizen.

Given a chance, I would love to come back here again.

Any chance of undressing Cecelia Cheung in my next visit?

Maybe, just maybe in my next visit.



Monday, June 24, 2013

Will you...

An extract from the Grey's Anatomy wedding scene.

"Alex: No, wait. I have something I wanna say. Today's the day my life begins. All my life I've been just me. Just a smart mouth kid. Today I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you. To our future. To all the possibilities that a marriage has to offer. Together, no matter what happens, I'll be ready. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on possibility and responsibility. Today Izzie Stevens, our life together begins. And I for one can't wait."

On that 19th June 2013, I asked her to close her eyes, down on one knee and let it out.

"You know, your birthday present for this year will be my freedom from today onwards"

First of all, a surprise face.

"So, I am gonna ask you, will you marry me?"

Well no, unlike in all those movies, she didn't cry.

The outcome? Well I guess you have the answer now.

Officially I am off the market right now:)

Welcome to "Asia's World City"

My palms were sweaty, my heartbeat was fast. I almost couldn't feel my leg anymore.

No, i am not running in a marathon.

Welcome to the land of "Asia's World City" - Hong Kong.

"Expect a lots and lots of walking". That's what my friend told me prior to our departure. Honestly in my heart was thinking how bad can it be since i am a well-trained footballer/athletes all this while.

I was wrong. DAMN WRONG.

Hong Kong is a really crowded and big city. This is what we normally saw in those drama from TVBS.

This is what i managed to capture from my camera. (Real Time).

Just check out the crowd. This photo was taken on a bloody Tuesday afternoon! The question is, why you all like no need work on Tuesday one??

During this trip me and my girlfriend took Cathay Pacific instead of Air Asia although it is slightly more expensive.


Apparently, a slight luxury was not a bad choice after all.

I don't think Air Asia have this.

1. On flight deck entertainment.

2. Free 20KG luggage allowances.

3. Free Meals.

4. Free Blankets.

5. Alcoholic Beverages.

6. Comfort of checking in and pre-departure. (*Cathay airline terminal was in KLIA)

Upon arrival in Hong Kong, not only i was in awe of the scenery from the plane.

My jaw dropped even further when i saw this.


They even have wi-fi on the bus!

We took a bus from the airport to the hotel in Mongkok City center since we have booked a hotel in that area earlier. (Approx RM36 one way)

When you are in Hong Kong, one thing you should never forget to purchase.

Even Leslie Cheung also have one.

The "Octopus Card". Please don't ask me where they get the name from.

(I swear i did not put it there :P)

It is like touch and go card that we had in Malaysia. But the difference is, you can't buy something from 7-11 using a touch n go card right?

But in Hong Kong, anything is possible.

Having an octopus card in hand also means you can go anywhere in Hong Kong without have to worry about long queue for tickets.

Well as far as the accommodation goes, people used to say hotels in Hong Kong generally is really small and a bit pricey.

However, i would strongly recommended you to check out The Lodgewood Hotel by L Hotel.
(Price: Approx RM 380 per night).

A little overview of this hotel.

The exterior.

The Lobby.

The "me".

The Bathroom.

I must say this is one of the most comfortable bed i have ever slept on.

View from our room. (15th Floor).

This hotel is surrounded by a lot of amenities. Mongkok MTR station is just two blocks away, shopping centers, hawker centers, HK version of petaling streets, etc.

Overall remarks? Super-convenient.

So, after we checked in immediately i told my girlfriend that we can have a half day walk around the city since we still have plenty of time before dinner.

In the next post, i will talk more about those places we have visited.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Time for a trip, again!

I didn't know that my life away from engineering job would be a busy one.

Apart from the occasional appointments and paper works, I flew real a lot compared to last time.

This is my Itinerary for the past couple of months:

April 13 - Trip to Boracay, Phillipines.

May 13 - Trip to Sarawak.

June 13 - Another trip to Sarawak.

June 13 - (Cancelled) Trip to Europe, for some reason I should have boarded a plane to Europe at that time, all expenses paid. But I rejected. (Going to talk about it in a separate post).

and one the 18th June, which is next week, I will be flying to.

Yes, you are right. I am going to Hong Kong.

And No, my dad did not operate that airliner.

And for the first time, I will be travelling with Cathay Pacific.

No more Malaysia Airline, No more Air Asia.

Anyone need anything from Hong Kong? Do PM me.

But definitely not the MJ wax statue ok?