Saturday, March 24, 2012

The disadvantages of iphone apps

I bet many of you guys think this is what i have being doing recently when my blog is not updated.

The truth is, i have been really busy. REAL BUSY.

Well, i would not want to dwell too much on my works, as you guys probably have enough of it now.

I must admit that part of my busy schedule also due to this couple two bloody apps on my phone.

The Drawsome apps. This is an apps that allowed you to guess people's drawing, vice versa.

Well, it is really addictive at first, until a stage whereby i would just rather key in the answer for the sake of convenience.

Then come the next one, the diamond dash. Where you gain points my eliminating any three or more blocks of the same colour. I get so addictive to a stage where i can't leave it off wherever i go, including the loos.

(Talking about the best activities to be done why you are having a bad constipation).

Then it is the "frontline commando", which is as cool as you can pretend to be one of those big time super-commando.

It reminds me of my childhood when i told my mum that i wanted to be a soldier when i grew up.


Her response? Not very good.

The "Crayon sin chan's mum killer move" i would called it.

The end result?

My eye dark circle became more obvious.

If people asked me whats the disadvantage of having an iphone?

I would just show them my dark circle around my eyes. That should explain everything.

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