Monday, March 7, 2011


Once upon a time, i complained about the services in KWSP in this blog.

The CEO emailed me and follow through on my difficulty, and promised to do something about it.

Credit to his professionalism. Everything went superbly well after.

Now, there are something which is not right in this country. Again.

Well, before i continue, i don't really know why on earth our politician nowadays in Malaysia only talk and debate about the useless stuff.

1. Red Devil aka Man Utd Jersey is banned, because of the "Syaitan" emblem on it.

2. Girl would bound to be a rape victim, because they wear mini skirts!

3. BM or English in our current education system, which is the way forward?

4. Do we need sex education in school? (To be honest, some of them already expert-lah)

5. Longkang tersumbat di bukit serdang, (Politician in newspaper, raising his/her hand with the

community members) yeah, damn big deal.

6. Did Mr. AI really sodomized Mr. SB?

Everything is just not right!

People already talking about sending human to mars! Staying on the moon!

And we are still talking on the 6 issues as abovementioned?

People already talking about 4G. Why on earth Maxis nak load satu page pun kena tunggu 10 saat-leh?!!

Forgive me being so straightforward.

But in a developing nation like us, this is totally not acceptable.

Not only projects being delayed. Big corporation like Sime Darby losing millions! PKFZ lose billions!

And Maxis, 10 secs for one simple yahoo page? I am not a whizz kid on the internet, but what i know, as a proud user who pay on time every month, is getting a very very lousy services!

Someone, (i know who he is)..please do something about it.

You may say i am irritating, but i do really feel irritating by your services. SO DAMN SLOW!

And don't ever bullshit me with your theory like

"Eh Mr. wong, sorry la, area tu takde coverage sangat. Nanti i hantar technician pergi check and come back to you ok? Is there anything more i can help?".

I think i want to become politician also.

My dad will be damn proud of his son.

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