Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am a big eater. Yes, i am. But the thing is, i did not even seems to get fat no matter how much food i am putting in to my stomach.
And my girlfriend doesn't seems to understand whenever i start to "korek" my kitchen cabinet looking for junk food after meals.

At one point, i felt like i am committing a crime whenever i start to look for food to eat right after meals.

Another thing is i seems like having a much better appetite whenever i have flu. (It defy the law that human lost their appetite when their nose are blocked). Like today, i woke up in the morning knowing that i will be having flu today. (I have a good sixth sense on when i am about to get sick).

My lunch?

3 bowls of rice + 1 fish + 1 Drumstick + Eggs + ikan masin.

2 minutes right after the heavy lunch, i had my "desserts" - 4 nos. of Curry Puff and 2 more "kuih" from the canteen.

I think there must be something wrong with my stomach.

Or the braincells just didn't seems to trigger the right signal.

But obviously i have something that could "wow" the ladies.

"Hey, i think i have a perfect figure that you girls dreamt of all this while.."

Cos, i never seems to get any fatter.

Any girls who need the tips of slimming while eating, lets go for a lunch or dinner date. ^V^

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