Sunday, December 12, 2010

A lil' surprise...

I was so busy with my work, did not turn my eyes off from the computer until i saw an envelope on my table, with a card in it.

To: Mr. Wong Hung Yew, Power Systems Division (PSD)

"Oh, not again"

I thought it would be another wedding invitation card.

Opening up the envelope, how sweet it is to find out it is actually a birthday card sent by my company, wishing me in the month of my birthday.

I remembered during last year, i received the same card too.

It does not hold any kind of sentimental value actually, apart from the fact that it reminds me that i have been here for my 2nd year already. How time flies!

Oh my, i am turning into a 28-years old soon.

My birthday wish?

Pocket full of money inside.

A BMW perhaps, anyone?

Jesus Christ: "Wong Hung Yew, you can bloody well go to sleep and dream about it then!"

I love Jesus.

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