Sunday, December 12, 2010

Babi Hutan...

How many times in project execution environment you can actually have a laugh with your clients?

For me, scr*wing & cursing (behind their back) each other got lah.

But today, i received a phone call from a client, who eventually became a very good friend of mine during the course of the projects, requesting for some details.

And he told me his project manager is not available due to the following reasons:

"Kereta die langgar babi hutan pagi tadi"

"So? Macam mane? Dia ok tak?"

"Boss ok, tapi babi hutan tu terguling guling la"

"Ada turun kereta tengok tak??"

"Tak leh la bang, haram..."

All along the conversation, i can't stop laughing...i wonder my boss may thought either i have gone crazy or just chit chatting with a friends during working hour.

Who wouldn't laugh??

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