Thursday, December 4, 2014

MAS Business Class for Less than MYR 200

Travelling can be a fun experience at time.

Even better if you were given a chance to ride on the business class section.

I was on a Malaysia Airline flight back from Shanghai to Kuala Lumpur after a 10 days working trip between Hong Kong and China.

I considered myself a "moderate and kiasu" frequent flyer. Ask me why? Because for almost every airline company I have used, I would apply for their frequent flyer card with the view of collecting points and rewards.

All I need to do is just to call the airline call centre and make the reservation with the points I had in my Enrich Frequent Flyer Card.

As my points was going to expired this coming December, I decided to redeem the "Enrich award flight", which means zero fare in a business class cabin en route to Kuala Lumpur just for the sake of the experience.

All I needed to forked out was the tax and surcharge less than MYR 200.

(Being a budget traveller, I never see the need to pay ridiculous amount for the treatment, which in this case, can be as high as MYR 5,000 as opposed to the MYR 1,200.00 per way in the economy class).

The business class section treatment starts even before I boarded the plane.

I was entitled to enter the club lounge while waiting for the gate to open. Here you can basically have a good rest and meals (and of course, beers) in which, is all complimentary.

But I must say there is nothing to shout about the business lounge section in the Shanghai Pudong Airport. I think even the McDonald's have the better set up and environment.

(It could be different in other airport, but definitely nothing to shout about in this airport).

A random selfie with my travel partner this time before taking off. Look at our happy face.

In Economy section, you will be addressed as "Sir/Madam".

But I guess since we "pay more theoretically", we were addresses by our Surname.

Call me first timer, I wouldn't care less. Because at this moment, I felt...

Even the cabin crew took some times to talk and mingle with us, like asking how was my stay in China, the reason of travelling, name of my dogs and etc.

Funnily enough he never asked "Do you enjoy paying the expensive amount of ticket for a business class ride with the record of two fatalities in one year?"

But honestly, I never doubt their safety record. One was missing without a clue, and another one was just pure bad luck.

In the business class section, the menu would be slightly different compared to the economy class. It was a 3 or 4 course meals and free flow of drinks including wine and beers. (Not sure about the news but heard that alcohol would be banned soon in all Malaysian Airline flight).
as for the taste of the foods, I have no comments. It was taste just about the same with a 4 course meals on the ground.
As usual, the whole journey from Shanghai to Kuala Lumpur would take about 5 hours in total.
While lying in the comfy and spacious seats, I Immediately dozed off after half an hour into my movie.
Well for most of the travellers, business class is something that you may afford, but wouldn't think it would be a good value for money to pay more just to sit in a different section of the plane.
It was the same case as mine. If it is free, why not?
But one thing is for sure, sometimes you can get just as lucky with Air Asia X. I remembered in my previous blogpost that I have managed to grabbed the "cheaper than economy section" business class seats when I was back from Beijing.
Honestly, it is just as good as the MAS.
The only difference is you get the "Pak Nasser Nasi Lemak" as the complimentary meal and a bottle of mineral water.
But who cares really?
Try your luck, if you experienced the same thing like me, do share me your experience too!


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