Monday, September 16, 2013

Missing for two weeks

Slept at 3am, woke up at 5.30am.

It has been quite a routine for at least two days last week.

Yes, I have just came back from my cousin's wedding in Brunei.

It was in the month of May if I remembered correctly when I was about to depart to KL via Brunei. I was having lunch with my aunt and all of the sudden this conversation popped out.

Aunt: Are you free on the month of September?

Me: Ya, I guess so. Since I am quite flexible in my job already.

Aunt: I need a favor from you, can you fly in to join the group of brothers for Evelyn's wedding?

Without hesitation I nodded.

Since I can come back to visit my family also, I think why not?

That's the reason why I have disappeared for the past two weeks.

And I am back, for now.



  1. 我还以为是你结婚~
    这照片你与新娘的角度 和 靠近度 

  2. 我都不认识你圈子的朋友=X
