Thursday, December 29, 2011

Laptop O Laptop!!

I am a friendly guy.

Darn friendly!

But if you happened to asked me when is the closest i have gone to lose my temper and my common sense altogether?

It is when i signed up for a particular super f**king ridiculous slow broadband package. Seriously, i almost flushed it down the toilet bowl for real, if not because of the RM500 i need to pay for losing the stick.

Now that i can bragged about my Unifi package. Yes it is expensive, more expensive than my astro package. But honestly i am enjoying every moment with it. From free land calls and superfast downloading. Seriously, i am a happier person who are paying a higher monthly payment.

Then another problem came.

I think god must be toying with me around a bit. HE assumed that i have a bank account figure which is "about there" to Tan Sri Lim Kok Thye.

My stupid Dell laptop started to give problems.

Halfway through my work or porn surfing, it just started to display this kind of message.

Then, this is how i look like halfway through working (and wanking - i am joking) in front of the monitor.

How can the laptop just freezed just like that? Bill Gates should have think of a way that computers shall give warning before it shut down or freezed!!

Well, buying a new laptop going to be costly. I have been surveying around wondering which one to buy. But as a smart consumer, i swear i would only change the laptop when it became "totally dead" and can't restart on my command.

That would be it.

Someone told me before putting you laptop in the fridge can enhance the performance of the laptop.

Is that true?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cameron Highland

Friends used to asked me;

"Have you been to Cameron Highland?"

"No i have not"

That's exactly the look i will be receiving.

Honestly, never it has crossed my mind that i should/compulsary/my duty to visit Cameron Highland even if i have stayed in peninsular for more than ten years right?

Anyway after a non-stop bugging from my girlfriend, i decided to give it a shot. Since it has been a while we have not travel together and our next trip to Autralia is still one year away.

Friends used to tell me that, when you set your feet in cameron, you need to see this farm, that farm, eat this and try that.

Notwithstanding their advice, the first activity we did after we reached?

Mastering the art of pool at the hotel lobby.

Together with the "I AM SO BORING LETS GO TO CAMERON AND HAVE SOME FUN" girlfriend.

But of course it is due to the fact that we arrived so late in the evening that we have nowhere to go. The temperature was so low that i am freezing my balls altogether, and we did not plan to go anywhere else apart from watching movies on ipad in the hotel, as it was too freaking cold outside.

However, there are couple of things that you can do when you are in Cameron, apart from shopping la of course.

The steamboat session.

Well, you can never choose a better place to have steamboat. With the cold weather, a perfect boiled soup just taste even better. There will be a lot of place for steamboat on offer, and the prices are just almost the same at RM 18++ per head.

Second, the Boh Tea farm.

Honestly, this is the only place that i am giving an ars* to visit during the entire trip. (Really).

Anxious to check out the place of origin of the Boh Tea i am drinking everyday, we did a drive up to the farm the next morning.

Here in Boh farm, basically you can have a drink while enjoying the cooling breeze gently brushing on your face. There are some shops where you can buy some souveneirs or teas for your families and friends. (Just in case they have never visited Cameron too).

This is my favourite shot from the trip.

I became the "New Hope" for Orang Utan!

Behind every great scenery, there bound to be one place where it ruined every impressions.

Didn't Boh Farm has a "5S" systems in place?

Turn out the Boh farm is the only farm/first farm/last farm that me and my girlfriend visited.

That is really the only time that i saw her smiling happily after the end of the trip saying "Yeah, finally we can go back!"

Not another 3 hours journey driving back to KL. If you asked me if i enjoyed my trip this time?

Quote from my girlfriend. "I will not come back next time, even if someone offered to drive me up i would have to think twice".

To me? Apart from the cool and nice weather. Nothing else does matter to me.

That answer your question isn't it?

Monday, December 19, 2011


21st December, 2011 is just just less that 48 hours away.
The Maya prediction on the very same day of the year 2012, it is the end of the world.
So it also means that this year i still can hope for my birthday cake.

Instead of the lame "Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you" kind of song, somebody please sing this song for me.



Presents, anyone?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Marriage & Divorce (Rated 18 SX)

If one day anyone asked me. "Is it wise to get divorce with a wife who has been a real b**tch all this while, and then get married with another girl who you think can offer you a better bl**job?"

"Yes" is definitely my answer.

It may sounds a little but absurd to some of you out there, but i may not be wrong you know.

It is like a case of constipation.

You just need to get rid of it.

Well, the example given as above is just a layman term given for my marriage to the so called "bitch" for 2 years.

This is it. The "Divorce Letter".

With Maxis lah! I am still single!

It is weird that on the day i went to maxis and terminate my broadband services, not one of the staff care to ask me why.

Maybe some of the maxis staffs has been my loyal FB/Blog/Twitter follower all this while. For sure they have read my "extravagant status" on how poor the broadband service was.

If you notice in the termination form in the picture, the "reasons" for returning the modem (Network issue) was filled in by the maxis staff themselves. WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.

People left the lawyer's office in tears after divorce. I left the Maxis center in giggles.

It is because my new "wife" has been waiting me at home!

Let me proudly introduce you to "you-need-fight?"


Well it may cost me a new football boots every months, but after f**king/surfing with it for 2 minutes, i knew i have got the right choice.

A 5 minutes porn within approx 5 minutes? Now that's when the boys say "c000oool" right?

The difference between surfing on Maxis BB and Unifi? It is the difference between getting "blow-jobbed" by William Hung and Jessica Alba!

Take that!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Guitar Lesson

I was away for quite some times.
Maybe some of you are curious on my wherebouts.

Well, i have been attending the guitar class recently.

Yes you heard me.

A GUITAR class!

The music school i attended is located just 5 minutes away from my office. When i told my friends or colleagues that i am attending one of those guitar lessons, i will either get:

1. A middle finger.
2. A "what the FFFF are you thinking??"
3. "which little girl you want to cheat by playing guitar?"
4. "Too much money duno where to spend ar?"

Ma de.

All i wanted is to learn at least one music instrument in my whole life okie?

I can't learn piano as a piano will definitely cost me a damn fortune.

I can't learn drumming just in case i got murdered by my neighbour.

I can't learn violin just in case other people will start to treat me as their "gay" friend.

So the easiet and safest way out? Guitar.

Cheap, light-weight and silent. I can't ask for more.

I am going to have a class every week, one hour per session.

So now officially my budget is going to be slashed a further RM200 every month.

So that i can play this next time with my guitar ---> Your Body is my wonderland, by John Mayer.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dear Friend...

I received an sms early in the morning from her';

"My dad just passed away this morning".


Just about a week ago she was so excited to receive her ipad which she bought online, which is supposed to be given as a birthday present to her dad. To a point where she almost skipped her lunch just to take care of the new gadget from being stolen by someone else.

Or in another term: Kia-si.

But the present never made it to the new owner.

When i got the news my immediate reaction was "Shit".

Well, we used to "mencaci" each other as if that's our common hobby and interests during free time. Apart from collecting stamps i guess.

We are close, but not intimate. We fought almost everytime, but never to the extent of killing each other. We share the same passion of travelling, but never travelled together-gether.

I think, i should call her my shadow BFF.

Well to my "shadow bff", in the case you have read this, rest assured that for the first few days when you broke out the news i can hardly find the right words to console you.

But rest assured that everything will be fine, as the old saying goes: "There's always rainbow after the rain".


God took someone away from you, and give you someone else as return. (if you know what i mean).

So, cheer up.

I will always be around, just an extn away.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Impossible is Nothing

I have blogged about almost everything in my life.

But recently i came to realized that i left out a story which, i can consider it as one of the most important moment in my entire life.

(This is going to be a lengthy one, so you may want to warm up your coffee)

You see, i am not coming from a mega rich family. But me and my siblings have always had enough for our foods, education and occasionally, a trip overseas. I have witnessed the ups and down that my parent has went through in order to raise all four of us, from a humble beginning as the government servant to running their own business as of today. I am proud of them. We are not rich, but we are okay.

As a kid, we are taught and educated in a way that we don't have to worry to spend on foods.

But if we want something "luxury" rather than a "need", we are taught to earn the money by ourselves. RM2 for washing cars, RM1 for feeding the dogs, stuffs like that.

But i do admit that i am quite a spoilt child. During the university days, i was given enough pocket money to survive and on top of that, a credit card. (Which is amazing that i am so discipline that i never blew out the card limit).

It was during the third year around i started to ignore the long semester break and instead of going back home, i looked for a part time job as a photo studio assistant cum photographer in one of those shopping malls. I have had the same experience working for my uncle when i finished my SPM, and i guess it will be much better compared to standing for all day long in the supermarket and arranging the food cans for all day long.

Well, "photographer"---it sounds cool enough and on top of that i could always learn something new, like developing the films and pictures, taking photos of babies and adult. Well, until today my employer at that time still believe my stories when i told her that i have quit studies and just want to start earning money.

I worked for 3 months and in the end, went back to university as the semester starts. Well if she read this, i just want to say I am sorry, you guys are the best and has always be there for me. (Anyway it doesnt matter anymore as they closes down the business 1 year after i have left).

Well back to the story.

To me, working and get paid is one thing. My principle is that i must be able to learn something out from it. And it has always being my motivation ever since.

I think it would be interesting to look at some of my part time job i have done before.

1. Pegawai "Koperasi" in Secondary school. (Yeah we get paid)

2. Temporary teacher in a primary school. (I got hired by my SPM result for my Bahasa Melayu, which i got an A1. Yeah, my balls is expanding right now).

3. Photographer cum studio assistance.

4. Event Management Crew members a.k.a "Kuli" / "Buruh Kasar".

But nothing gonna beat this one. You see, when you are in your study time, part time job is merely just for you to pass time. But when i came out from work, my instinct told me that engineering is not really something i could get a lot of money out of it.

But what should i do?

So, the idea of becoming a part time property agent/negotiator strucked my mind this one night when i was on my bed. It is like a Deja-Vu. It is like an Eureka.

I think i can make money out of it, no doubt. And i have a passion to learn and to know more about property market and its culture, why not? If i can learn something and making cash and bucks out of it, why not?

It is not like the guy who tried to "conned" me into becoming a part time financial planner/insurance agent when i was in university. He used to drive by and pick me up in his sleek Mercedes and show me (us) his photos of his Europe vacations and telling me that if i join his "Million agency", i will become a millionaire, smoking big fat Cuban Cigars and drive German cars in no time!

I didn't fell on that.

Without thinking twice, i immediately jump into the property line. Fuck the multilevel marketing. Screw the so called organic foods. Adios on the insurance marketing. This is something, which we all knew , 80% of your clients would not hang up their phone on you from the moment you say "hello, i am xxxx and i want to introduce you about our medical plan...." Click. Gone.

The only doubt i have is that, can i really do it? No? If others can do it, why not me?

So, after couple of months i have joined i managed to close my first deal. It is not a big amount nevertheless. Just about only a fraction of my monthly salary as an engineer. But it is the sense of accomplishment that has actually overwhelmed me with joy and prideness.

To be honest i would have given up hope on the moment that the father of the vendor trying to intervene on the transactions. We have a few words, and i still remember telling him i would rather give away all my efforts and hardworks and abort the transaction if he want to do it HIS way. Well, i held on to my principle that i should do my OWN way and managed to convinced him after a few rounds of discussions.

So, after a few rounds of negotiations, we completed the deal. I still remembered the final deal was completed via the Skype messenger (Since the vendor is in Australia).

I was so closed to ruining it. And the deal would not be completed if:

1. Have i just walk away from the hassles of negotiating with the father of the vendor.

2. Have i not make it a point to call back the buyer apologizing and convincing them when they told me that they are having difficulty arranging the viewing time slots with me.

3. Have i not drove all the way to Mont Kiara to help fix the network setup a day before for my vendor's computer. (As the teleconference was made via skype messenger in his home).

Indeed it was one of the most memorable moment of my life when i received my cheque. Well, most important thing is, i have managed to learn something out from it. The experience, the way we need to deal with people and how to face the crisis when it happens.

Today, the father of the vendor remained a very close friend to me, although we have never met ever since the beginning until today. We are still waiting for a day to come out and have "Bah Kut Teh" together.

Well i am still working on for the next one, one little step at a time.

When you have passion for something you are working on, i guess it is called "The Adidas way".

Impossible is nothing.