Sunday, November 21, 2010


It has become a routine for me to listen to GOTCHA! call every morning.
For me, Rudy n JJ is the top/best/invincible prankster of all time.

To be honest, somehow i used to do it long before i came to knew the existence of the GOTCHA! call.
However, nowadays i have to resort to pranking someone which i have lose contact like, 2-3 years maybe?
(As many of them did recognize my voice, yeah i know it sounds hot, don't worry about it).

One of the most hilarious prank-call i have ever made, which made all my friend rolling on the floor with tears flowing out from their face is the one i have made is around 2 years ago, to a friend who sell "besi buruk" and made a really good fortune out of it. Lets call him Mr. A

I was in Kota Kinabalu with my cousin and another friend waiting to drive back to my hometown. The problem is, this Mr. A is actually taking his own sweet time flirting with some shampoo girl in some cheap haircut studio.

So, we decided to make a call, through my handphone pretending to interested in making the deal with him.

Mr. A: Hello?

Me: Mr. A right? My name is Peter and i was told that you are in the "besi buruk" business right?

Mr. A: Ya, what can i help you?

Me: I have got a few copper here and few aluminiums there wanted to be traded off. But i would like to know your pricing first.

Mr. A: Oh, copper is at this price...aluminium is that price..(Continue bla bla and bla...) depending on the quality...(ongoing for two minutes at least)

Me:Another one, there is this old kancil wanted to be scrapped off too. You accepted too?

Mr. A: Ya, why not?

Me: But the thing is this kancil is still new, so i guess you can come up with a pretty good price for me then.

Mr. A:if it is brand new, why want to scrapped it?

Me: I like ar..

Mr. A: Okok...(Started to lose his cool)

Me: How about an airplane wreckage?

Mr. A: What??

Me: You heard me. Airplane wreckage.

Mr. A: .........................

Me:I even have 1 whole lorry of coca cola can. You accept that too?

Mr. A: (Finally Lose his cool) Say what you want to do, don't try to bullshit around here!!

Me: Oh ya one more thing. I need another price.

Mr. A: Whats that??

Me: The shampoo girl pretty or not?

Mr. A: *&*^^*^(*()&*^%^

Me: Hi friend, i am back from KL.

So, i have a hell lot of abuse on my way can imagine that.

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