Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Busan, Korea


This is my first time in Korea.
Before this trip, the closest I have ever came across to learn about Korea was from my wife's Korean drama series.
But what I saw and learnt about Korea in real life, is nothing short of overwhelming.
Especially their foods, like the Korean Barbeque.
I am not a big fan of Korean food before this.
For one, I have never understood why they need to make their chopstick from steel and make it so heavy to handle (Even for a Chinese guy like me).
Secondly, Why they tend to use so many plates for one simple course of dinner and etc etc.
And why don't they translate their dining menu into English?
Back to the food.
For the Korean Barbecue, it is a must try when you are here. I have ended up with the BBQ dinner almost for the whole week I am there.
And nothing beats grilled pork meat down with glasses of Soju (A Korean type of liquor) during a cold windy night.

My Korean friend told me that Soju is the best beverage to go with a grilled pork meat. If you are going for Beef, beer would be the best choice.
I would believe that everyone has their own preference.
If you asked me personally, I would go for the marinated type of grilled beef + Soju.
So after the dinner, I had a short walk around the night market to have a look.
This is where you will come across with lots of street foods and clothes for sale. Something like a mini version of Petaling Street in Malaysia.
But, the shops here have limited choices and I don't really speak Korean. (Although many people thought I am there people, and ended up speaking to me in Korean with me looking like a confused and drugged retarded man.
The place where I stayed is at Haeundae, a vey popular tourist spot as in beach side.
During the summer, people flocked to the beach for a short holiday get away.
There were no crowd during my stay over there, as the weather can be as low as 10 Deg C. I jokingly asked my friend if I would be able to have a chance to take a swim.
He told me he has no problem with it, but his only advise is "why trade a nice hotel room with a hospital bed?"

Not far from where I have stayed, there is a casino. Casino in Korea are only meant for foreigners only.

So, being a China man, I decided to go in.

Ended up with USD 100.oo losses under one hour playing black jack. Talk about a beginner's luck!

Another main attraction in Haundae Busan would be the Sealife Aquarium.

Here you will able to see closed to 3,500 marine species on display.

And also the divers on display.

Not sure how much they earned monthly, but hopefully with this kind of job they are entitled to exemption from paying income taxes.
Fancy for shark fin dinner?

As for avid shoppers, there is a big departmental store in Busan called Shinsengae.

This departmental store looked just like any others. But there are one difference though.
They held the Guinness World Record for the largest departmental store in the world.
I am not sure if it is the case still for today. But having a departmental store certified by the World Record of Guinness? It is something interesting.
I wished I could have written more about this trip, but as always, it is only a business trip. Forgive me for the brief introduction to this country.
But I will definitely come back again one day, as a "real" tourist. So I will be able to learn and appreciate more on the Korean way of living.
Maybe it is just about time to start watching Korean drama!

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