Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tamarind Springs

My wife used to describe me as a "boring" type of guy. Example?
One of my everyday favourite lunch agenda, almost without failed would be the traditional Chinese "zap fan" (mixed rice).
So one day out of the blue when I told her I wanted to bring her to "somewhere special" for dinner, the look on her face was just priceless.

It was as if I was telling her that we are going to fly to Dubai for dinner and come back on the same day.

So, it was actually a recommendation from a Dutch friend, an expat who live in Malaysia. Being Dutch, sometimes I just wonder when he meant "the food there is super lovely", also means that "it is not spicy like sambal belacan".

Well I thought just give it a shot.

So I went to this place, called Tamarind Springs. The details of the restaurant is in their website.

I failed to take loads of photos from this place, which is a disappointment of having my waze turned on and drained my battery while looking for this place.

As a matter of fact, it is not far from the Ampang International School. Yes, in Ampang.

When you arrive, there will be a free parking spot which is taken care by a security guard who will walk you to and from your car as the measure of your personal safety. (Or make you feel like a VIP).
I have been warned that the price of the foods are "not the cheapest in town". So we started off with 3 dishes + 1 soup and 450ml of wine and see how it goes.
And my goodness. It was the best fish I ever had in my entire life.
My wife, enjoying her glass of wine.
My wife, if I could compare her to someone, it would be like the Simon Cowell from the American Idol.
Always critics about the food, always critics about the price, almost about everything.
So I was taken by surprise, when I took my credit card out and paid RM354.00 in total for this dinner all she said was "It was cheap!"
So it is my turn.

As for the environment, it is definitely a place for you to bring your first date to impress her. The place was absolutely romantic and quiet, and you can chat away peacefully without any noises and interruption.
Out in the terrace area, it was surrounded by trees and little view of the KL city landscape. You will feel like as if you are having dinner in the middle of the jungle.
Only difference is, you don't have to worry about tiger popping up from somewhere.

It was such a nice and romantic dining experience, when I immediately noticed that a couple about a table away from us was actually kissing each other. (My phone no battery, so don't ask about the picture please).
So guys, go to their website and check out their offers.
There is one in the KL city centre too, which is called Tamarind Hill. So do not get confused by that.
Heard that it is the same concept, but I have never gone there before so I reserve my comment on that one first.
Just make sure you bring your credit card along.
And do not do this stupid face when you got your bill.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Jakarta hotel, traffic and a retarded immigration officer.

I gave my vote of confidence to Malaysia Airline last week when I decided to travel to Jakarta.

To be frank, it has been a while since I enjoyed a turbulence-free ride from the start of the journey through to the end of it.
A lot has been said regarding the traffic like Jakarta. If you think traffic in KL is slow moving, traffic in Jakarta - Madness.
Hence I was told to arrive earlier in an afternoon flight rather than an evening flight.
I was lucky enough not to have worried about being cheated by cab drivers over here. A cab was booked for me under the Golden Bird company, which is one of the most popular cab service provider here in Jakarta. And their price are reasonable too.
 Bet you never seen this in Malaysia.
It is funny to see the names in the display. How I wish my parent named me as "Kamolchai" or "Sturock" last time.
I don't know. The name just sounds sexy.
I was booked to the "Kristall Hotel" which is at the south side of Jakarta. The distance between the airport shown on the map was 34.3km.
But guess what. It took me almost 2 hours to reach the hotel.

Make no mistake, it is not exactly the Holiday Inn group kind of hotel. But I am fine with that.

The surroundings are actually more like a Balinese set up on the outside.

The interior of the room.

They even have a small kitchen where you can actually do some simple cooking and come with a water dispenser and free bottle of beer and a can of coke. (Complimentary stuff doesn't come in too often).

My room was overlooking the swimming pool which was great. Unfortunately, no bikini babies around at that time.'

Our evening was filled with beer as usual in the "Satu Lagi" Bar (Which means "one more" in Malay language)

I did not managed to check out the city for the next two days as I was having meetings planned and I was supposed to fly back to Sarawak on the next day.

Talking about first impression, something happened when I was supposed to leave the country.

Remember those arrival cards that the air stewardess passed to you on the plane to fill it up and you are supposed to keep hold on it until you leave their country?

I went to the immigration counter. This was the conversation between me and the officer:

Immigration Officer (O), Me (Me)

O: Go where? (Broken English).

Me: Flying to Brunei. Here is the arrival card for return.

O: (Point to the card) The plane number is wrong. It is not the same flight number as your tickets.

(The thing is, it is not supposed to be the same! As I travelled into Jakarta on a different flight)

Me: Of course it is not the same. It was the plane I boarded when I came in to Jakarta!

O: You don't know how to read? This says "Departure Card".

Me: (Getting angry) Of course I know. I am supposed to return to you guys as I am LEAVING. (WTF is happening here?)

O: (Gave a long sigh, didn't say anything)

Me: So what now, should I change this flight number on the card? (It was stamped, it was not supposed to change!)

O: (Sigh again, still didn't say anything or instruct whatsover)

(For a few minutes he kept on asking me, you don't know how to read?? I told him I can read in three different languages, so of course I can read!)

So I went to the other counter, got it stamped and I was cleared right away. With no problem at all!

Double standard? No I don't think so. Now it reminds me that maybe that guy was trying to get some money off me.

What a jerk.

If he was asking nicely then maybe it is a yes. I wouldn't pay a single dime to this guy, if I did, I will make sure he took it from my leg.

But I was so tired as it was an early morning flight. So I have no more energy to argue and how I wished I could make a uturn back and slap his face with my passport.

What a retard.

He should be brought to the runway and get run over by the plane. Worthless pr*ck.

Hopefully in the future I can write more about Jakarta rather than its traffic congestion issue and their retarded immigration officer.

Would love to meet him up again on my next trip so I can give him a proper slap in the face.

I love Jakarta.