Monday, May 27, 2013

A month has passed

It has been a month ago since I left my profession as an engineer.

Well it is kind of a mixed up feelings.

After all when you studied for 5 long years and struggling to get your engineering degree, got a job in that line, and then decide to throw away 7 years of valuable experience you gained along the way and ended up in something new such as property line.

No wonder my mum was not so happy at that time.

I did not let many people know that i am going in to the property line (Apart from the closed one)  ever since the day i tendered my resignation letter. So literally no one know exactly where am i heading next.

But, it is kind of difficult to keep the secret for any more longer.

So, on one fine day i just decided to changed my profile in my Facebook, posted up a few properties up for sale and guess what?

Ni a ma. I thought many enquiries will be coming in.

Ended up getting so many comments like:

"Eh you are a property agent now??"

"Wah make a lot of money wey..."

"Are you serious?" (Which part of me actually make people think i am joking?)

Some of my friends are quite dumbfounded when they got to know this.

Well, i have been expecting that anyway.

But what's all the fuss from engineering to property? It is still the same.

We all still talk nonsense to our clients.

He he he.

Look at Tony Fernandes.

He doesn't held a degree in Aviation. In fact, he was once the financial controller for the Virgin Records, which is owned by Sir Richard Branson.
Which means, this guy came from the background of music industry!
But at the time of writing, this guy has owned an airliner, football club, and a F1 Racing team.
Then, look at this guy!
A law scholars from NUS Singapore Alvin Tan, now make it big time with his...

Porno Videos!!

From Law to Porn??

Now that is A BIG CHANGE.

So next time when you happened to bumped into me on the street, please stop asking me  "why such a big change?"

I myself also couldn't really explain to you, i guess it is my passion that led me to where i am now.

After all, i guess Steve Jobs is right in his words.

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” - Steve Jobs.

But becoming a pornstar?

Sorry man.

I just couldn't do it.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Things to do in Boracay

Oh ya, i remembered that i have promised you guys that i would update more on the thing that could be done while you are at Boracay island, Phillipines.

Here you are.

One of the place we went to is visit the 3D painting exhibition (Or so do the local called it).

What is a 3D painting actually?

Let me show you.

Kena "whacked" by the Phillipines boxing legend.

Picking up some pesos.

Undress people in public??

Naked man and a retard boy?

The entrance fee is quite cheap (Though i can't recall how much it was).

After you visit the exhibition hall, for those of you who love the adrenaline rush of speed, there's a Go Kart circuit just around the corner.

This go karts was equipped with the 150cc motorcycle engine. Unlike the Genting Highland themepark mini go kart (even i can outrun those kart), those kart in Boracay really mean business.

Wore the helmet, press the accelerator and there we go.

The whole session lasted about 20 minutes. The only thing that i would complianed about the trip is the weather. As it is surrounded by sea, the weather is damn hot and humid.

Now that i understand why those F1 drivers need to buck up their fitness level regularly.

Because at the end of the day, i suffered from playing those Go Karts!

After 3 minor accidents, and one tyre exploded (Now you know how aggressive we were), the champion emerged.

To be honest, i thought initially the race would be dull since we are the only two people playing.
But it was so competitive that the track workers was giving us the "Thumbs up" and keep on telling us that it was a really good driving!

So next time when you come to Boracay, this is one of the activities that you guys may enjoy. (I am not too sure if is a girl's thing.

But we came back the second day for another round!

Guys will always be guys.


Thursday, May 16, 2013


Life as a property agent can be quite relaxing at time.

Have you ever being so bored to the extent that you even scratching your own balls is considered as fun?

But the thing is when i am bored, i don't scratch my own balls. I prefer to wander around in the world of cyberspace, just hoping that i would found something interesting.

I found this.

A meme generator. To generate something like this. (This is my copyright!!)

So, who told you real estate agents are boring?

We know how to have some funs too.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stepping out, and up.

1st May 2013, to many of you it was a labour day.

But for me personally, it is a brand new beginning.

I remember back in 2011 i have blog about my entrance to the property field on a part time basis.

But effectively from the abovementioned date, i have joined in as a full time property negotiator.

When i tendered in my resignation earlier this year, a lot of people questioning my decision. Even my senior vice president has called the decision to be "too harsh and stupid". (Yes he used the word "stupid" a few times in fact.

I was even offered a position as a counter offer, which could be a really big jump in term of my career with this multinational company.

I admit that my heart did moved a second. But in the end i have stand by my decision.

I enjoy meeting people, i enjoy having freedom on my own, i enjoy ripping the benefits based on how much efforts that i have put into something.

And yes of course, i love everything revolving around properties.

I will feel even happier knowing that i could be of helping hand when come to people finding their dream home.

During the past 2 years in property line (as a part timer), i have:

1. been scolded by rude client, but in the end, we became close friend.
2. seen how cash-rich businessman talked bullishly on how he bought 10 units of properties in one go.
3. been ffk (fong fei kei) * means no-show by buyer/seller who never returned calls after waiting for more than 2 hours under a hot sun.
4. met those aunties who don't understand english, sitting down and helping her going line-by-line of the SPA clause together. (Job: Translator).
5. The same auntie, who wanted to introduce a girlfriend to me.

The list goes on and on.

To all my readers, many of you may be anonymous to me. I wouldn't recognize each and everyone of you.

But if you are interested to buy/sell/rent some properties, you can always contact me via

If you wanted a career in property line, you may prompt me and we can discuss too.

Just don't be shy.

Last but not least, wish me luck for the changes that i am going through right now.

(At least i am not turning into a woman).

And at least, whether it would work out or not, i really don't mind.

To me, at least i have already stepped out from my comfort zone.

The rest i leave it to god.