Sunday, February 27, 2011


When i was a kid, I love cartoons.

Like every other kid, we were fascinated by Ultraman, batman, superman (apart from the fake that he doesn't have a fashion-sense) cicakman, etc...

I am 28 this year. Officially a man who always caused dilemma to a lil kid whether to call me "gor-gor" (Brother) or "uncle" just in case i would beat the shit out of him. Sod it.

I am still young at heart, btw.

But long gone the time where i could actually carrying around a comic with me without being labelled as mentally retarded grown up man.

During my childhood time, one of my favourite of all time would be...

Yes, Doraemon.

I wish i could have his time machine..

So i could go back to the days when i am a carefree kid, without tonnes of works shovelling up my ars*.

A flying machine....

So i don't have to pay any "convenience fee" to some "Now everyone can fly" airliners when i plan to travel the globe.
A "ren yi men" - A door where you can go anywhere, anytime...

So i could just go home after work without having to endure traffic jams, paying the tolls, and pointing middle finger to other errant motorists around me.

Oh my doraemon, how i wish you were here.
I am no Nobita, but i think i need you more than him do.
I promise to intro my neighbour's cat to you if you come and see me.
Remember your "pocket" too, in case i need some tools.
Confirmed blues again...
Anyone have spares for me?

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Thank God it is Friday.

No, no, i am not talking about the TGIF restaurant here.
Well, as long as you guys have a 5-days-a-week nature kind of work, you are just about having the same wavelength as me.
Now, talking about the only headache you will be having on Friday.
It is not about work.

It is not about prayers also.
It is about....

Beers, anyone?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

MSC (Malaysian Screwed-up Commercial)

Recently posted on my Facebook status stating my dissapointment on the recent Malaysia-made advert. And i got lots of reactions too.

Ok, i must admit that i have my own limitation in term of creativity.

But there were a couple of times when i really felt like throwing my underwear on to my tv screen when one of those commercial advert shown up in tv.

To be precise, it is more towards the so called advert for "community message".

Ok, the intention is nice, they teach us not to bribe, use proper Bahasa Melayu during conversation, not to laugh when you see an old man being tripped over by a dog, those moral value kind of thingy.

The problem is the way they present it.

Look at Digi, who really made an impressive comeback from an unwanted telco to be one of the leader in the telecomm industry.

Look at Petronas advert, who never failed to make you weep and make u felt like you are a uselss son who deserved your head to be shoved into the toilet.

But c'mon, what about the local adverts? A group of family sitting around, and pretending to be happy, smile, and then suddenly this "Bahasa itu jiwa bangsa kite....".

OMG?!!! WTF??!!

If this is the standard of local tv advert, with the tax i am paying to the govenment, i think i have the divine rights to stand up and say "NO TO LOCAL TV ADVERT"!!!

Unless you tell me your company couldn't sponsor you, so you have to employed a mentally disturbing person to be your creative director, i am willing to fill in the vacancy free of charge for you.

Just to revive the image of Malaysia.

Abg. Najib, please look into your 1 Malaysia advert also. Better consider to raise your KPI now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Being tied up with lots of work lately.

Right now, i am holding two jobs, full time engineer, part time real estate negotiator.

The latter job has now officially take over my spare time, especially on weekends.

But at last, finally i managed to close the very first deal in real estate. Something to celebrate after all the hard works and sleepless night thinking about whether i could make my cut in property line.

From the stage of getting the listing, working on advertisement, viewing, negotiation, and closing the deal, i think the main reward is, i have learnt a great deal of lessons.

Something worth to celebrate though.

So beers, anyone??

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just to share my thought

I was having a dinner with a close buddy of mine yesterday.

Our topic is revolving around those super-rich people that live around us everyday. Which bungalow they are staying, what car they are driving, who are they dating etc etc etc.

The question is, why not us?

Well, to be honest, at this stage of our career, we don't really have much financial worry to be afraid of. Yeah we have mortgage loan, car loans, to be paid everymonth, but at least we knew we cope with it well enough without having the car been towed or the house we live in to be taken over by financial institution.

But to be total "debt free", and doing what we love to do, staying in a big house and driving a luxury car, how? How to change from a life where you need to plan your budget for holiday to a person who can book a business class to Hong Kong just to eat "dim sum" and fly back in the same day?

I used to talked to those succesfull businessmen and friends, as usual they will be telling you their experience and hard times to deal with to become what they are today.

In my opinion, they can tell whatever they like. Most importantly is how much passion/time/energy you willing to invest in order to become as successful as them?

My parents and friends used to tell me over and over again saying things like:

1. "This idea is hopeless, how much capital you want to risk to know whether you succeed or fail?"
2. "Don't get influenced by others, get a stabil job, and a stable income, ok what?"
3. "So many entertainment with other people, worth it or not?If no, it is just a waste of time"

or in a more serious note:

4. "Don't be a dumb, wake up from reality and you know you will never make it"

Those comments sometimes knocked me over like a big lori sampah staright on to my butt.

But somehow as i grew older, i kept the negativity aside and tell myself. The only critic, the only enemy that you are facing is actually YOURSELF.

I came to realize that, if you are following your dreams, set your sight and strive for it. At the end of the day, be it a success or failure, you can be rest assured that at least you have already WIN by your own determination and nothing should make you regret or whatsover in the future.

You learn from failure a lot more compare to when you success. Agree?

The biggest loser will always be the one who dream big but never dare to go for it.

This is the reason why on my blog, there's a quote stating.

""The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story,
and writes another, and his humblest hour is when he compares the
volume as it is with what he vowed to make it"

Stephen Chow (Director of "Shaolin Soccer") once said (Translated from Chinese; "He who do not posses a dream, has no difference compared to a salted fish".)

True or not true?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We as the Chinese people, are not only good in doing business.

We are as good in gambling too.

Whatever You name it, we gamble it. Be it bacarrat, blackjack, mahjong, roulette, football, badminton, horses, cockroaches, rabbits, even what colors of undies that auntie wear today, we'll bet with you.

As the token of appreciation for you guys who still follow up my post even i was away for such a long time, thank you for your support.

I was in Clark, Philippines for the Chinese New Year. Due to some reason, all of us (my whole family inc my uncle and aunt, cousins, my parents, my siblings) were staying together in
a casino+resort known as "Fontana".

So, needless to say, i believe the people who set up this casino is a very wise and smart businessman too. The surroundings of the casino was nice in the inside, but a dead town outside.

So, you would not have too much entertainment outside there nearby the casino, thus, your only way to cure your boredom? - Gamble lah!

People say, you should left when you are winning.

But the problem is, we kept coming back.

With the cute dealers, free foods and drinks, 24-hrs session, i think i have justified myself here why exactly we have spend so much time in the casino during the 5 days trip.

It has become a culture for the chinese, every chinese new year sure "tak boleh lari" from gambling one.

I am not a big gambler, but i do spend enough time in there, just to sit and observe the face of people who are winning and people who are losing their pants off.

I came to understand one thing, it is NOT ALL ABOUT $$.

Looking at the dealer who took away your chips - felt like someone is taking away your man hood.

Looking at dealer paying out the chips to you - felt like someone is offering you a free sex service.

It is about ego, your man hood, and your capital for your night time entertainment.

It got so addicted to one point, i was so scared to lose my entire savings just because that i can actually stay in the casino for all day long!

So, to solve this problem, i decided to have a tour of "Red Light District" in town. (Yeah Right, good excuse!)

(Sorry this post comes without pictures as i have problems uploading it for the mean time.)

So, overall, i have some fun time in Clark, (Details cant tell you la of course).

At least, my pants is still with me.