Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The hardest question ever asked...

As an engineer we were trained to deal with complex engineering equations, to find a solutions to problems presented to us.

But recently i am facing with the most complex problems i ever had in my life.

Which kinda turn me into a very miserable man.

What's for lunch today?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Party in the USA (or US-gays) (Miley Cyrus) - Edited Version

One of the Miley Cyrus biggest hit song - Party in the USA is one of my favourite of all time.

Just before i went off to my bed, i stumbled on one of the most hilarious video ever showing some guys dance to the rhytm of the song.

Check out the following youtube video for the feel of the song first

Then, i dedicate my edited version (originated from my crazy+creative+too-free-nothing-to-do brain) to you, and all those gay community all over the world.

Hum it to the tunes, and enjoy it.


Party with the US-gays (Hung Yew's Version)

I hopped off the plane at LAX
With the dream, dancing with the gays..

Welcome to the land of super gays..

Am I gonna fit in?

Jumped in the cab Here I am for the first time
Looked to my right and i see the fucking US-gays

This is all so crazy

Everybody seems so famous
My penis turnin' and i'm feelin' kind of supersick

Too much cockers and I'm nervous

That's when the gay man turned on the radio

And a gay-z song was on

and the gay-z song was on(2x)

So I put my ass up

They're rubbing my ass
The butterflies fly away

Noddin' my head like gay..
Movin' my hips like gay..

I got my ass up
They're playin' my ass I know I'm gonna be ok

Yeah It's a party with the US-gay

Yeah It's a party with the US-gay

Jay Chou, now do you want me in your production team?

Dear Miley, it is just a joke. Chill gorgeous..

Eh? Changing the originality of the song doesn't put me in the risk of being jailed right?








Saturday, June 26, 2010

PM and the Kitten

I am not a big fan of political views/figures/general election.

I don't care what happened to Ong Tee Keat.

I don't give a F also about what happened to Saiful vs Anwar's sodomy trial.

(Why should i give a damn about other people ars* anyway?)

And i feel like nowadays "wakil rakyat" has more interest in appearing in the newspaper together with the locals, pointing to the nearest dead cat on the road, and blaming the local council for not taking care of the cleaniness of their area.

(It is fuck**ng nonsense/bullshit/popularity contest)

Please excuse my language.

But somehow, i think i have started to take notice about the current Malaysia's Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak.

You asked me why, i don't really know how to summarize it off. Maybe it is his idea of "1-Malaysia" that has really caught my attention. Not only that, recently he did something which has really caught me off my own pant.

Something which very ala - Kennysia, Xiaxue or Dawyang.

Buy a orange-white persian kitten, post it on the blog and asked the malaysian to name it.

Over couple of hundreds suggestion has been raised by the Malaysian.

But some comments on this Prime Minister's blog has really caught my attention.

Syed: Masalah gula semakin meruncing..

Assalamualaikum Dato' seri.. Sy sebagai seorang individu yg ingin meluahkan rasa hati Perkara berkenaan gula dinegara kita..Sy Kesal dgn keadaan gula di negara kita yg semakin meruncing. Kenapa ia tidak dapat diselesaikan sekian lama.Dato' seri tidak rasa ke rakyat teraniaya jika masalah gula ini berterusan.

When i saw the above mentioned comment on his blog, i did not know whether to laugh or not.
The idea of ISA kicking down my door and arrest me for insulting the Prime Minister doesn't goes too well for me.

But this Mr. Syed, you really made my day up.

What it has to do with the kitten about your "masalah gula yang meruncing!" and the fact that you are "teraniaya"??

Please la bro, Dato' Seri also is a human with certain soft spot in his heart one la. If he wanted to share some of his light moment with you guys, so be it. Be supportive! At least this shows that he is human with feelings.

And there were some other posting which tell (or should say, complain) to Dato' Seri that someone is not wearing the helmet in the blog posting....wtf????

You guys should get a life man.

Anyway, i think somehow i have the most creative name for this kitten.

I think sure win the contest.


or maybe Tun?

If you still don't get it, you should start the habit of reading newspaper from today on.



原来, 星期天早上醒来时的的第一杯咖啡可以有幸福的味道.
妈的, 为何我那麼早醒的????

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Article that touched my heart..

Recently read an old article from my email. Can't remember from who. Frankly, i think the story somehow touched me in a very special way, and i think it is worth to share it with you guys:

我是前夫的初恋  前老公是我的第三个男朋友,而我却是他的初恋,他的初吻、初夜都给了我。曾经处在失恋之痛的我,被他的关心和安慰感动,于是走进围城。我还暗自庆幸自己找到一个没有任何感情经历的男人,觉得这样就得到了他全部的爱。  新婚那两年,我们的确甜甜蜜蜜。他像一个喜欢糖果的孩子一样,迷恋着我所有的一切。每天他都是下班就回家,在家帮我做饭洗衣,甚至给我洗脚按摩。只要工作不忙,他就会粘在我身边,甚至是我周末出差,他也会跟去,前前后后的照应着。其实,结婚前他是连袜子都让他妈妈洗的。 

有时候我会觉得他有些幼稚可笑,但有哪个女人能拒绝自己的爱人对自己孩子般的体贴和依赖呢?这样的亲密维持了两年。  我想,如果女人希望她的男人认为自己是最美的那朵花,就应该让他到外面的花园看一看。我曾经的他见到我这第一朵花,就采摘回家了,但当他终于有一天发现了许许多多不同的花朵后,他发现自己的这朵其实并不是他最想要的。  

那一阵子我们的矛盾越来越多,总是吵架。我感觉委屈,没人关心;他感觉窝囊,没人理解。他常坐在书房里发呆,我躺在床上看电视。除了吵架我们没有任何交流,以前的甜蜜一点点消失殆尽。终于一天早上醒来,我发现他不在了。桌上留着一张纸条:我找到了我真正想要的感情,真正适合的女人。  我成了他恋爱经验的第一页  他走了以后,我反反复复地想,想我们的婚姻究竟哪里出了错。我好像悟出了一些道理,一个女人无论多么优秀,她都只能代表自己,无法具备所有女人的优点,所以,最终也只能有一个男人和自己相匹配。我开始明白,找一个单纯的男人也没有什么不好,关键是他们终有一天不再单纯。


 我不怪他,婚姻中的对与错不是那么重要。  他走后的那段日子,我依然愿意等他回来。回来了说明我的确优秀,我们还是最适合的;不回来我就努力重新开始,我也寻找最适合自己的那个人。  男人们说,男人的心只能等他们自己收回。我开始相信这是真的。  两个月后,他回来了。回来的他对我说:“我想离婚。”我问:“为什么?”他说:“外面的世界很精彩,我觉得她比你更适合我。”既然他的选择是别的女人,我无话可说。  

离婚那天,我在门口看到了那个极其普通的女人。奇怪的是我竟然一点都不生气,安静地看着他们拥抱,一起走开。只是心里空荡荡的,觉得自己好像又拿时间做了一次失败的实验。  我是独生女,从小习惯了指手划脚,工作性质又是东奔西跑,天性和环境让我的性格偏男性。感情破裂后,前夫曾对我说过,说我女人味太少,他认识了那个女人后才知道什么是真正的女人。我不置可否。  问题总是在结果出来以后才变得容易,原先怎么也想不通的事情不用想就清楚了。

如果前夫能有时间和机会多见识一下外面的世界,我们之间的婚姻和麻烦也许一开始就不存在。  找到一个曾经沧海的丈夫  现在的丈夫李比我大九岁,离婚后不久就有朋友给我介绍了他,但有关他的传言曾让我放弃了与他的交往。可是在一次不期而遇的聚会上,他真诚的眼神和表白征服了我。他跟我说他结了两次婚,单身后和好几个女人有过亲密关系,但经历让他能够分辨出好女人和坏女人,也知道什么女人是为了游戏,什么女人是真正适合他的。这些,我相信。  谁都没想到我和李的婚姻是如此简单,我自己都没想到。我们认识了不到一年,没有那种甜言蜜语、激动人心的恋爱过程,结婚那天我们也只是和双方家人吃了顿饭,请了几个要好的朋友。但我们心里都相信——我们会白头偕老。  我和李能达到无法用言语说清的默契。虽然生活平静安详,但我能深深体会到那种渗透到身体每个细胞的幸福。

我们互相了解,互相宽容,互相珍惜,互相关爱。我说不出生活中哪件事情能让我感动,但所有的人都能从我脸上看到幸福的痕迹。我见过前夫和他现在的妻子,她挺着大肚子,一脸慵懒地靠在他身边,他小心地搀扶着,笑眯眯地说着话。  我忽然明白,前夫和我只是一种恋爱状态,激情过后,他发现我并不是他最终想要的女人,离开,合情合理。只是我们过早地走进了婚姻,才显得好像伤害很大。如果前夫有过爱情经历,知道什么样的女人才是最适合他的;如果我不是在失恋的痛苦中,没那么轻易地被他感动,我们也许就仅仅止于恋爱了。  所以,如果你的另一半不是我,那让我们谈谈恋爱就分手;如果你的另一半是我,那么请你谈够了恋爱再来娶我,无论你是和别人谈还是和我谈。  


What do you think?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I suffered from World Cup Fever...

This is the very same thing you heard over and over again recently. From your workplace, restaurant, mamak-stall, and even gents. People can’t stop talking about this…

The world Cup.

I don't blame people for talking about one of the most popular and sought-after tournament held in South Africa this year.

But you guys have nothing else to talk already isit??

Apart from the fact that how Adidas Jabulani ball can perform the outrageous flight & swerve, there were other highlights too, such as:

1. Funny - The South African can have a football star with a stupid name = Tshabalala

(I would sing his name only after i have a long hard extracted poo in the toilet)

2. Knowledge - The tradition and culture of the South African nations - vuvuzuale, which can cause extensive damage to your hearings.

3. That God existed - God is fair, Henry's handball brought France to WC, made as captain in final group match and crashed out with only 1 point.

Another thing is, people i met tend to come up and ask me which team do i personally support for the 2010 WC. When i said it is england, this is what i get.

What the F???

Don't give me that kind of expression. It is like telling those guys that i actually have pen*s which is long enough to be able to strangle my own neck.

Because to me, supporting a team wholeheartedly means only one thing.

Win as a team, lose as a team.

England has done so well in qualifying stages, and now has to stumble through to the second round.

It is not the player's fault for not performing to their best. But they're missing out on one playmaker here, a real "No.10" in the team.

I must admit that Capello is an excellent coach. But he did one terrible mistake by leaving this guy out of the 23-man squap for this World Cup.

A decision which he will regret for life if England does not win the world cup.

A guy who could possibly change England fate.

A guy who can bring back the glory of 1966 back to England.

A guy who can make Tshabalala looked like a clown.














Ei, Looks so familiar one???

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chao-Ren Bu Hui Fei - Superman Can't Fly...

Recently, Jay Chou has came up with a hits entitled “Chao Ren Bu Hui Fei” – Supermans Can’t fly in his new album.
To be frank, he is the only artist who can actually make a song with a title as ridiculous as above, into one of my favourite song of all time.

Granted by god of almighty, I would be very happy to ask HIM to let me be a superman, even for just one day. Why? Easy.

1. I can forget about the pain of missing out Air Asia “0-Fare” Promotion.
2. I can just “slam-dunk-ing” anyone who I don’t fancy into the nearest garbage bin.
3. I don’t have to worry about the colour/pattern of my underwear anymore, as red will always be the colour of the day. (And no one will ever know if I did not change my underwear for one whole week).
4. Stop worrying about traffic light, massive jams and mat rempits.
5. When a pretty girl ask me about my job, I would say, “Baby, I am flying”
6. Likewise, if an ugly girl come up to me and ask me about my job, I would say, “Girl, ma’ job is just punching people for fun”.

It’s only Monday, and I already started to talk nonsense.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nokia STAINLESS STEEL phone unveiled...

Recently a friend of mine bought the Nokia 6303i classic as her previous phone went “diving” into the toilet bowl.

To me, RM500++ sounds like a great deal of amount to me. Hence, if the same thing ever happened to me, I would spend the rest of the financial year (before receive my bonus) by using this…

Public Phone






The fact is, due to the Apple Iphone frenzy that surrounded me, I recently has approached Maxis to get myself one. I used to be the type of guy who always tell myself “Aiya, phone can call, can sms, enufff oledi one”.

(Which goes the same to her).

But this time, she added a new requirement to her dream phone.

Stainless Steel Cover.

Check our our Gtalk conversation over her new phone:

3l: ur phone....let me guess, RM 150?

fioniz: ahaha.. not that pariah la! so bad

3l: okok, 200

fioniz: no la...

3l: ????

fioniz: but the one that i wanted to buy is RM250, Jo said ugly

3l: this one?
fioniz: not this one... another one

3l: this one how much

fioniz: this one is what he suggested, RM520

3l: wahlao???????

fioniz: consider cheap liao la

3l: i think with that price u can get sony ericsson one

fioniz: stainless steel

3l: brand new?

fioniz: 3.2 megapixels

3l: summore nicer

fioniz: instant messaging, but i don't like sony ericsson one

3l: but this one.......hehehe, sorry sorry, i shud say, it looks "tough"

fioniz: tough? means?

3l: looked very tahan lama

fioniz: really tahan lama mah... stainless steel cover


If you notice, she mentioned the word “stainless steel” twice.

From this conversation, I think the only attribute that really caught my attention will be the “Stainless Steel cover”. In engineering practice, the reason Stainless Steel preferred compared to other type of steel is due to the fact that it is better in term of "anti-corrosion".

For girl, it mean only one thing…--> shiny.

But this attribute definitely can be useful under one circumstance in the future.

*Touch wood

If it ended up here again.

Important Notice: Due to the risk of facing court case, the writer has temporary withdrawing the intention of the disclosure on Nokia Stainless Steel phone purchaser’s real name and identity.

But one thing for sure, she is a girl.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why is this happening to me~!!

I can't believe this!!

How on earth this is happening to me~~~!!!

I have done charity, i helped old man cross the road, i picked up a stray dog from roadside and fed them with foods, and this is what i got in return???

In my whole life, i have never ever been into this kind of situation before. I was so frustrated, so angry, so helpless with this kind of sh*t happens to me!!!!

I do not understand~!!!

God please tell me why.....


How can my favourite snacks finished oledi wan??

God's magical pen....

Have you ever asked yourself, if there was ever a chance, ever, god gave you his pen and asked you to map out your own life journey into a book, what would you write into it?

Become a millionaire by 20?

Get married and having kids at 30?

Enjoying a wonderful, financially independent retirement years by 55?

God is not crazy enough to do that.

If only i could have that "magic pen".

I am not a millionaire, yet (hopefully), but i have enough to get myself a proper shelter, foods and clothes.

I have not married yet, but i do have a girl who loved and care about me wholeheartedly, a bunch of friends who will always be there for me whenever i needed them.

I am not eligible for retirement yet, it is because i am still very much looking forward in building up my career, bit by bit.

and god, i wish before i catch my last breathe to be with you, by then i would have no regrets in my whole life.

I will take one step at a time, and god, I don't need your pen. All i need, is your blessings. Amen.

And yes, i am just bored and not knowing what to write tonight. I need a sleep. Yawn :)