Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Medan, Indonesia Trip.

We decided to have a little trip to the city of Medan, Indonesia for Chinese New Year holiday getaway.

I have been to Bali and Jakarta at one point couple of years ago. But Medan was my first time. Not to mentioned that this is also the first trip that involved my in-law family members.

The difference between travelling with in laws and friends?

Just check out the differences from the pictures.

With the in laws.

With friends.

or like this.

Jokes aside, you will know you have arrived in Medan (or Indonesia in particular) when you
come upon traffic jams (with lots of honking at each other).

One thing did surprised me actually.

With all the "honking" around.

1. No one give two f**ks actually.
2. No one wind down their window and gave us a middle finger.
3. No one stop their car and use her steering lock to hit on our car. 

It is as if by honking at one another in Malaysia = "F**K you!"
In Indonesia = "Hi how are you doing?" 

Actually it is the same with Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines. Something must be really wrong with our country in term of education.

Malaysia Boleh!

During this trip we stay at one of the nicest hotel in Medan. The JW Marriot.

The rate per night is about USD 100 per night inclusive of breakfast, which is quite a bargain.
That was me in the infinity pool for a morning swim.
View at the lobby.
View in the room.

To be honest, I would not recommend if you want to do a lot of sightseeing.

(That is just my two cents).

But one thing you should never missed will be this.


This is what the Indonesian called "kueh Lapis Legit". You can find it in most of the places in Medan, however, I will personally recommend the "Rika Bika Ambon" in Jalan Sekip, Medan.

We were allowed to have a "tasting" session before we decide whether to buy it or not.

You can even make the bookings and get it delivered to your hotel the next day if you do not wish to carry it around.

Trust me, I have a very high level of standard in term of rating about foods. For example, penang char keow teow is "ok lah". Klang "bah kut teh", also so so only.

But Kue Lapis Legit? My goodness, it is a must try!

Another place for food hunters - Coffee Box at Jalan Palang Merah.

This is where you can get lots of local delicacies at very reasonable price.

And why the one at Jalan Palang Merah?

It is because, if you wish to get a good massage afterwards, opposite the road about 1 minute walking distance there are one good massage parlour.

"Feng Huang".

The price for a leg massage for 1.5 hours would be around USD 7 per person. I am not a big fan for massage anyway, but since it is so cheap, i think why not?

Don't ask me if they offer any "extra services". I am with my in laws and family.

Another local delicacies which is a "must try", the "Satay padang".

Extracted from Wikipedia:
Sate Padang is a speciality satay from Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, made from beef cut into small dices with spicy sauce on top of it. Its main characteristic is a yellow sauce made from rice flour mixed with spicy offal broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, coriander, galangal root, cumin, curry powder and salt. In Medan, a lot of Sate Padang use not only beef but also chicken and lamb.
As for the rest of the trip, we visited one Chinese temple and one church.

This tree at the temple, where the people will write their wishes down for the year and hang it on the tree with the hope that good fortune will come and their wishes will come true.

 This is my wife praying that his husband will be a millionaire in no time.
And this is where I put a wish list on the tree praying that she will never run away with my money if i am a millionaire. LOL.

One of the church in Medan, can't recall the name really.


Like I said earlier, there were nothing much to shout about. But if you are into the ancient history or religion stuff, this may could be the "must go destination".

Total damage for the trip? (4 days 3 nights) about USD 300 per person all included for airfare, tour arrangement, hotels, foods, basically everything. (Please note that this is calculated based on the sharing basis for 8 adults and one infant).

Would I ever return?

Since i am more like a "beach and sun" guy, I don't think so, unless I am craving for the "kueh lapis legit"!

Next trip will be in two weeks time, Lombok! (That's what I classified as a "beach and sun" place.

So stay tuned!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Business Class on Cathay Pacific

One of my recent business trip required me to fly all the way to Tianjin, China.

As this is not a popular route, MAS and Air Asia did not offer direct flight to Tianjin. So, I have resorted to fly with Cathay Pacific instead which include a stopover in Hong Kong.

I am lucky enough to have experienced both MAS and Air Asia business class seats for lower rates. But this time, it is TOTALLY FREE.

How it happened, i am not too sure. I booked via the airline website for economy class, but when I went into the boarding room, I was stopped by the ladies at the gate and asked me to step aside due to some "minor issue".
A few things crossed my mind. I have paid my income taxes. I paid my PTPTN. Or am I wanted for some sort of national security issue?
Funny thing was I overheard their conversation. (Whispering)
"This passenger's seating arrangement has a little problem. The seat was broken and can't be repaired in time".
Then one of the staff turned to me and says. "Dear Mr. Wong, as you are one of the Marco Polo member of our airline, we are pleased to upgrade you to the business section of the plane. Do you have any problem with that?"
Hell No! Why would I?
Funny thing was there were no mention about the broken seats at all!

But to be as honest as I can be, if you asked me, I would still very much prefer the business section for MAS or Air Asia.

The business class seat on Cathay is quite small and crampy actually even for a Asian guy like me. But anyway it is still much better compared to the Economy class anyway.

As usual, the services provided in this section was really first class.

The food. (Nothing like the Pak Nasser's Nasi Lemak).

Comes with unlimited supplies of alcoholic beverages. (I Ordered a glass of champagne and a glass of wine).

All the normal stuff you will come across if you travelling on a business class section.
But the main difference this time?
Lets have a guess. See if you can noticed anything unusual from this picture.

The seat in this section, unlike the other airline, came with the massage function for your back!

Four hours flight with food and wine, and free massage services, i couldn't have asked for more!

I am spoilt. Really.