Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Let's watch over me

No, she is not my girlfriend.


In May last year, this pretty internet marketer encountered a close shave with a couple of rapists when she was nearly abducted from the car park of The Curve shopping mall here.

Her name is Chua Xin-Ci.

Well to be honest i am quite glad that the robbers cum rapists did not achieve their "KPI" on that day.

If not, she would not be able to use the experience gained from the terrifying ordeal to good use today by developing a smartphone application for personal safety.

An APP called - “Watch Over Me”

To summarize the function of this app, The user should register an event and set the time frame to complete the "event". If the user don't “check-in” within a certain time period, a message will be sent out to emergency contact numbers while the camera and voice recorder will be activated automatically and stored in servers.

Take an example.

If your girlfriend wanted to take her car in the mall, she should register the event, and set an estimated timeline (like say, ten min**)  to walk to the car. Then, she can assign you as the "watcher" (which can be assign via phone book contacts) for that period of time.

** Provided there were no Vincci, Mango, Charles & Keith store along the way to the car park, it is all about estimation only.

Within the stipulated time, if she does not tap the "check in safely button" (Or she is in Vincci trying out shoes) an alert will be sent via sms to the assign emergency contact and this should be treated as an alarming situation. Call the police, search that area, whatever, as this application is equipped with a GPS tracking system.

I guess this application is more convenient that the "My Distress" application which requires the user to unlock the phone, press in the passcode, go into "My Distress" and push the distress button.

By the time the police came, my arse would be in distress liao.

So i downloaded it out of curiosity.

Well too bad everytime i download an application, 80% of the time i would be spending on trying to mess around with it.

I am sorry, Xin-Ci.

So here we go.


1. I registered and event. "Shitting in toilet". For five minutes.

So that somebody out there can watch out for me.

Just in case i clipped my balls with the toilet seat while poo-poo-ing.

2. Then, the clock would start ticking away.

(I guess if i came out from the toilet unscatched, i should be tapping the "Tap here to confirm safety" button, am i right?)

Or if anything happened within that 4 minute time frame, i still can tap the brown button to activate an emergency alarm.

3. So, if i clipped my balls with the toilet seat, the first message will be sent to my emergency contacts. By clicking on the link, you will be able to check out my location.

4. So, somebody should be able to alert the authority and initiate the rescue mission.

Simple to use, and it comes free without any charges.

This application can be downloaded via the Apple Store.

So my rating for this application?

1. User friendly?- 9/10
2. Layout and Design? - 8/10
3. Dollar value? - 10/10 (You can get it for free)
4. Ball clipped by toilet seats while shitting? - 15/10. (Only happens to you, morons!)

But remember one thing. If you want to fool around with this application, do not:

Registering and event that sounds like this "I am going to check in a brothel tonight"

And then subsequently save your mother in law as your emergency contact.

That would be a very stupid thing to do, ok?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Life is like "Chor Dai Dee"

During the eve of Chinese New Year, apart from the food fiesta and the fireworks, one of the most exciting moment will be the gambling session.
Or so the chinese people used to say "Hoi-toi" (Open table).
One of the most popular game will be the "chor dai dee". For those of your who have never played this game before, the easiest way to describe this game is to compare it with the game of "Black Jack".
(If you don't even know what a black jack is, then either you are not a chinese or your armpit hair has yet to grow)
In black jack, what you need is luck.
However in "chor dai dee", not only that you need luck. Without prior planning and strategy, you may ended up like this.

I would not dwell too much on how the game is played.
Because i am not going to start a gambling class here and having my ass ended up in kajang prison.
Funnily though, during the course of the game, somehow i got enlightened.
Something like "Eureka!!"
"Chor Dai Dee" is a game of life. What i meant here is it it just like our life.
In our life, we worried about money.
We worried about our enemy in office/competitors in businesses.
We worried about workloads that drives us nuts. 
Worried about love at times.
You see, we worried about basically everything. In the game of chor dai dee also, we worried about the cards we had, how we going to kick the shit our of our opponents and etc and etc.
Worrying is something, but not doing something about it is more worrying.
As i said earlier on, without planning and strategy in this game, it is as good as leaving your money on the table and just walk away.
Even if it means you have a handful of "dee" (the card with a higher face value such as "Ace" and "Dee" - 2).
Same thing goes in life.
I used to have this habit of collecting succesful people's autobiography. They came from all walks of life and excelled, be it in sports or businesses.
However one thing's common with every single one of them. They say, with all their hard work and perserverance, it still does not guarantee you success.
It also means you have to "grab your opportunity" whenever it comes banging on your door.
You should know when to hold, when need to push. Same thing in the game, it is all about the hardworks, perserverance and timing is just as important.
But if you just sit there doing nothing and waiting for miracles to happen, then good luck to you.
Last but not least, with all my hard works and my never-say-die attitude, this is what i won from a two hour session of chor dai dee during chinese new year.
Still better compared to working in starbucks for two hours, right?


Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Come the month of February every year, for people like us who were attached (the non-single one) will all have the same kind of face expression.

For the ladies.

As for the guys.

I know, i know. It looks a little bit retard.

Or maybe i was just over exaggerating. But honestly, you may asked yourself while looking at the photos.

The scariest part is? It looks too good to be true right?

That is why i am always against those ladies who used to lament all her life that man and woman shall be treated equal.

Well, in politics, yes. In workplace? I have no objection.

But during valentine's day? fark you.

This is the day where every guy will start to fall into the microscope of their other half. From the way you plan the dinner, number of roses you can afford, and the best restaurants you could find.

The world will never be fair you see.

Happy Valentine's day.

For this year my valentine's day was spent all alone. (No, not that i was single but so happened that she has to go Bangkok with her family).

There are good and bad/pros and cons whenever the girlfriends/wife is not around with you during this very special day.

The good thing is you don't have to:

1. Fight for a place in a nice and cosy restaurant with overpriced menu and deal with the overwhelming crowds.

2. The expensive roses bouquet, which can create a hole in your wallet and yet still gonna end up in the dustbin in less than one month later.

The best thing of all?

3. I could go bonkers all the way without getting my ass kung-fu-ed.

Well thats what i did and i still feel a little hangover while writing this post.

So how did you guys spent your Valentine's day?